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In compliance with article 82 of the Spanish Securities Markets Law, ABERTIS INFRAESTRUCTURAS, S.A. ("abertis" or the "Company"), hereby notifies the Spanish National Securities Market Commission of the following


Last Friday, the French Republic's Official Gazzette published the amendments to the Sanef and SAPN concession contracts agreed with the State in April 2015. These include, among others, the execution of the "Plan de Relance" which calls for an investment of €590Mn on behalf of the concessionaires in exchange for an average 2.5 years extension of the concession contracts.
In addition, the government has agreed to compensate the sector for the 2015 tariff freeze
and the 2013 increase in the "Redevance Domaniale" via tariff adjustments from 2016 to
Moreover, the amendments reinforce compensation mechanisms for concessionaires which
increase the contracts' legal security.
The sector will also contribute annually to the AFTIT's budget (up to €11Mn for the Sanef group) in order to support the development of infrastructure in the country.
The agreement with the government includes the introduction of caps over the allowed return for concessionaires based on the cumulative revenues evolution since the 2006 privatization. Abertis does not foresee any impact on its concessions from the introduction of this cap.
The agreement with the French government highlights the legal solidity of concession contracts in France and the progress that can be attained with regards to investments when approached as a public-private partnership.
Barcelona, 24 August 2015 /

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