Corporate Taxpayer ID (CNPJ/MF): 02.541.982/0001-54
Company Registry (NIRE): 3530017583-2
Publicly Held Company

NOTICE TO THE MARKET WORKS OF PUBLISHERS APPROVED FOR THE 2016 PNLD PROGRAM Abril Educação S.A. (BM&FBOVESPA: ABRE3), in line with its commitment to transparency and good corporate governance practices, announces to shareholders and the market that, it was informed by the Department of Basic Education of Brazil's Ministry of Education, the list of works approved in the National Textbook Program 2016 (PNLD 2016) for Elementary School. The collections were submitted to a pedagogical evaluation conducted by a public higher education institution, in accordance with the orientations and guidelines established by the Ministry of Education (MEC).

In the National Textbook Program 2016 (PNLD 2016), of the 52 collections submitted by Publishers for Basic Education I (students from the first to fifth grade), 36 collections were approved, representing an approval rate of 69%, a highlight was the approvals obtained in all subjects of the program's cycle, which is below the 91% rate obtained in the reference program (PNLD 2013) when was submitted 57 collections and 52 collections were approved.
It is important to note that the works that were submitted and approved will still be subjected to a selection process conducted by teachers in the public school system.
São Paulo, June 30, 2015.

Guilherme Alves Mélega

Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relations Officer

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