Q: Where is Accenture headquartered?

A: Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company with offices and operations in more than 200 cities in 53 countries.  

Q: When does Accenture report its earnings?

A: Please refer to our Investor Relation page: http://investor.accenture.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=129731&p=irol-irhome

Q: How can I learn more about Accenture's Corporate Citizenship initiatives?

A:  Corporate Citizenship is a fundamental part of Accenture's character and the way we run our business. You can learn more about our programs on our Corporate Citizenship site: http://www.accenture.com/Global/About_Accenture/Company_Overview/Corporate_Citizenship/default.htm

Q: Who sits on your Board of Directors?

A:  You can find a list of our current Board of Directors at this link:


Q: Where can we send site feedback                                                                                             

A: We are happy to get any feedback. Please provide your feedback at this link: https://www.accenture.com/Global/Registration/FeedbackForm.htm

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