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The board (the 'Board') of directors (the 'Directors') of Aluminum Corporation of China Limited* (the 'Company') hereby announces that the Board received a written resignation submitted by Mr. Luo Jianchuan ('Mr. Luo') today, pursuant to which Mr. Luo proposed to resign as an executive Director, the president and his positions in each of the special committees under the Board of the Company due to his work commitment. The resignation of Mr. Luo has taken effect on the same day.

Mr. Luo has confirmed that he has no disagreement with the Board and there are no matters relating to his resignation that need to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company (the 'Shareholders').

The Board hereby would like to express its gratitude to Mr. Luo for his contributions to the Company during his tenure of service.

The Board further proposes to elect Mr. Ao Hong ('Mr. Ao') as an executive Director (the 'Proposed Election') to fill the vacancy of Mr. Luo. The appointment of Mr. Ao is subject to the approval of Shareholders at the general meeting of the Company (the 'General Meeting'). The Board has approved to appoint Mr. Ao as the president of the Company on the same day.

The biographical details of Mr. Ao are as follows:

Mr. Ao Hong, aged 54, graduated from Central South University with a doctoral degree in management science and engineering. He is a professor-grade senior engineer with over 30 years of work experience in enterprises of non-ferrous metals industry. He successively served as the secretary to the Party Committee and the deputy dean of Beijing General Research Institute for Non-ferrous Metals* (北京有色金屬研究總院) and concurrently the chairman of GRINM Semiconductor Materials Co., Ltd.* (有研 半導體矽材料股份有限公司), the chairman of Guorui Electronics Co., Ltd.* (國瑞電 子股份有限公司), the chairman of Guowei Silver Anticorrosive Materials Company* (國晶微電子控股公司) in Hong Kong and a member of Party Leadership Group and a deputy general manager of Aluminum Corporation of China* (中國鋁業公司). During this period, he also successively served as the chairman of the supervisory committee of Aluminum Corporation of China Limited*, the dean of Chinalco Research Institute of Science and Technology* (中鋁科學技術研究院) and the chairman of China Rare Earth Co., Ltd.* (中國稀有稀土有限公司).

To the knowledge of the Board, save as disclosed above, Mr. Ao did not hold any directorship in any other public companies, the securities of which are listed on any securities market in Hong Kong or overseas in the last three years, and he does not have any relationship with any director, senior management, substantial shareholder or controlling shareholder of the Company, nor does he hold any position in the Company or any of its subsidiaries. As at the date of this announcement, Mr. Ao does not have any interest in the shares of the Company or its associated corporations within the meaning of Part XV of the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Ordinance.

Save as disclosed above, the Board is not aware of any matter in respect of the Proposed Election of Mr. Ao that is required to be disclosed pursuant to the requirements set out in Rule 13.51(2)(h) to (v) of the Listing Rules of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, nor are there any matters that need to be brought to the attention of the Shareholders. The term of office of Mr. Ao will commence from the conclusion of the General Meeting and expire on the election of the sixth session of the Board. The Company will enter into a service contract with Mr. Ao after his election as an executive Director of the fifth session of the Board is approved at the General Meeting, and determine his remuneration according to the relevant remuneration policy of the Company.

By order of the Board

Aluminum Corporation of China Limited* Xu Bo

Company Secretary

Beijing, the PRC

20 November 2015

As at the date of this announcement, the members of the Board comprise Mr. Ge Honglin, Mr. Liu Xiangmin and Mr. Jiang Yinggang (Executive Directors); Mr. Liu Caiming and Mr. Wang Jun (Non-executive Directors); Mr. Ma Si-hang, Frederick, Ms. Chen Lijie and Mr. Hu Shihai (Independent Non-executive Directors).

* For identification purposes only

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