Publicly Held Company

Corporate Taxpayer ID (CNPJ/MF): 04.310.392/0001-46

Corporate Registry (NIRE): 35.300.184.092


Pursuant to Directive Release CVM/SGE/001/03 dated January 22, 2003 and Article 12, caput, of CVM Instruction

358 of January 3, 2002, as amended by CVM Instruction 449 of March 16, 2007, Anhanguera Educacional Participações S.A. ("Anhanguera" or the "Company") hereby announces that it received a communication from Morgan Stanley ("Morgan Stanley"), a foreign investor pursuant to Resolution 2,689/00, in which Morgan Stanley informed that its equity interest accounts for a total of 22,508,255 common shares, which represent a 5.1% interest in the common shares issued by the Company.

Morgan Stanley clarifies that the position herein mentioned was not acquired for the purpose of acquiring control of the Company, but rather is an investment held with no intent of altering the Company's administration, composition of control, or operations.

Please find attached hereto the aforementioned correspondence.

Valinhos, July 1, 2014.

Vítor Alaga Pini

Investor Relations Officer

June 30, 2014
Anhanguera Educacional Participações S.A. Attn: Vitor Pini
Alameda Maria Teresa, 4266, Sala 6, Dois Córregos
Valinhos/ SP, Brazil,
Dear Sir,
In accordance with the Comissão de Valores Mobiliários ("CVM") Instruction 358 dated January 3, 2002, Article 12, paragraph 4, please be notified that, as of June 27, 2014, Morgan Stanley, through its subsidiaries, Morgan Stanley Uruguay Ltda., and Morgan Stanley Equity Financing Limited, held in the aggregate, a total of 22.508.255 common shares of Anhanguera Educacional Participações S.A., equivalent to 5,1% of the Company's outstanding common shares. Morgan Stanley subsidiaries' position includes an aggregate of 21.910 loaned shares.

Morgan Stanley Uruguay Ltda.

7.608.255 ações

Morgan Stanley Equity Financing Limited

14.900.000 ações

Total Morgan Stanley Subsidiaries

22.508.255 ações

Morgan Stanley declares that the position herein mentioned was not acquired for the purpose of acquiring control of the Company, but rather is an investment held with no intent of altering the Company's administration, composition of control, or operations.
By: /s/Marielle Giudice
Marielle Giudice
Title: Authorized Signatory

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