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(a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China) (Stock Code: 00914)

Announcement Regarding the Resolutions Passed at the Board Meeting

This announcement is made pursuant to Rule 13.09(2) of the Listing Rules.
In accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of the PRC, the Company will publish the PRC Announcement in the designated newspaper circulating in the PRC on 22 August 2015 regarding the resolutions passed by the Board.
This announcement is made pursuant to Rule 13.09(2) of The Rules (the "Listing Rules")
Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.
In accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China ("the PRC"), Anhui Conch Cement Company Limited (the "Company") will publish an announcement (the "PRC Announcement") in the designated newspaper circulating in the PRC on 22 August 2015 regarding the resolutions passed by the board (the "Board") of directors (the "Directors") of the Company.

The resolutions passed at the Board meeting

The sixth meeting (the "Meeting") of the sixth session of the Board was held in the conference room of the Company on 21 August 2015. The Board comprised 8 Directors, and 8 were present at
the Meeting. Mr Wong Kun Kau, an independent non-executive Director of the Company, was on


business trip, and appointed and authorized Mr Tai Kwok Leung, an independent non-executive Director of the Company, to attend the Meeting and vote on behalf of him. Supervisors and some senior management members of the Company also attended the Meeting. The convention of the Meeting was in compliance with the requirements of the Companies Law of the PRC and the articles of association of the Company. All the resolutions passed at the Meeting are valid. The voting results of each of the resolutions considered in the Meeting are as follows: the total valid voting strength was 8, and all 8 votes were cast in favour of the resolution, representing 100% of the number of valid votes. No vote was cast against any of the resolutions and no Director had abstained from voting. The following resolutions were passed unanimously at the Meeting:
1. The unaudited financial reports of the Company and its subsidiaries (collectively, the "Group") for the six months ended 30 June 2015, prepared in accordance with the PRC Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards respectively, were considered and approved.
2. The interim report and its summary and the interim results announcement for the six months ended 30 June 2015 were considered and approved.
3. The Company's "General Manager's Work Report for the First Half of 2015" was considered and approved.
4. The Board unanimously elected Mr Wang Jianchao ("Mr Wang"), an executive Director, as the deputy chairman of the Company (please refer to the appendix to this announcement for the biography of Mr Wang). His term of appointment shall become effective from the date of approval of this resolution to the date of expiration of the sixth session of the Board (which is expected to be 27 May 2016).
5. The Board approved Mr Wang's resignation as the general manager of the Company.
According to the recommendation of the remuneration and nomination committee of the Board (the "Remuneration and Nomination Committee"), the Board agreed to appoint Mr Wu Bin ("Mr Wu") as the general manager of the Company. His term of appointment shall become effective from the date of approval of this resolution (please refer to the appendix to this
announcement for the biography of Mr Wu).


By Order of the Board

Anhui Conch Cement Company Limited Yang Kaifa

Company Secretary
Wuhu City, Anhui Province, the People's Republic of China
21 August 2015
As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises (i) Mr Guo Wensan, Mr Wang Jianchao, Ms Zhang Mingjing, and Mr Zhou Bo as executive Directors; (ii) Mr Guo Jingbin as non-executive Director; and (iii) Mr Wong Kun Kau, Mr Tai Kwok Leung and Mr Zhao Jianguang as independent non-executive directors.

Appendix: Biographies of Mr Wang Jianchao and Mr Wu Bin Mr Wang Jianchao, born in July 1964, is a senior economist. Mr Wang graduated from Huangshan University and received an MBA degree from Jinan University in 2014. He joined the Group in 1982, and had served as deputy head of import and export department of Anhui Conch Holdings Co., Ltd. ("Conch Holdings"), head of international business department, head of supply department, head of foreign economic cooperation department, assistant to general manager, deputy general manager, and general manager of the Company. Mr Wang has extensive experience in corporate management. Mr Wang currently also serves as deputy general manager of Conch Holdings. The remuneration of Mr Wang will be determined in due course.

Save as disclosed above, as at the date of this announcement, Mr Wang did not:

(a) have any relationship with any Directors, senior management or substantial shareholders or controlling shareholders of the Company;

(b) hold any other directorships in listed public companies in the three years prior to the date of this announcement or have other major appointments; or

(c) have interests in any shares or underlying shares of the Company within the meaning of Part


XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap.571, Laws of Hong Kong).
Save as disclosed above, to the best of the knowledge, information and belief of the Directors after having made all reasonable enquiries, there was no other matter in relation to the proposed appointment of Mr Wang as the deputy chairman of the Company that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of Company and there was no information relating to Mr Wang that is required to be disclosed pursuant to Rule 13.51(2)(h) to (v) of the Listing Rules as at the date of this announcement.

Mr Wu Bin, born in January 1965, is a senior economist. Mr Wu graduated from Anhui Construction Engineering School, and joined the Group in 1983. Mr Wu held various leading positions such as deputy head of sales department of Baimashan Cement Plant of the Company, deputy director and director of sales department of the Company, assistant to general manager and deputy general manager of the Company, as well as the director of Guangxi Regional Management Committee. Mr Wu has

extensive experience in sales management and corporate management.


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