Registered Office: 16151 Genoa
Via Paolo Mantovani, 3 - 5
Paid-in Share Capital EUR 100,000,000.00
R.E.A. n. 421689
Register of Enterprises of Genoa
Tax Code 01371160662
A Finmeccanica Company

For the dissemination of regulated information Ansaldo STS S.p.A. uses SDIR-NIS run by BIt Market Services (London Stock Exchange Group) established in Milan, Piazza degli Affari n.6.

Starting February 6, 2015, Ansaldo STS will store regulated information using the centralised data storage system authorised by Consob, known as 'NIS-Storage,' which is operated by Blt Market Services S.p.A., based in Milan, Piazza Affari n. 6, We herewith specify that from May 19, 2014 to February 5, 2015, Ansaldo STS adopted the centralised data storage system known as '1Info,' available at, operated by Computershare S.p.A. based in Milan, Via Lorenzo Mascheroni n. 19.

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