Publicly-Held Company
Corporate Taxpayer ID (CNPJ/MF): 02.919.555/0001-67
COMPANY REGISTRY ID (NIRE): 35.300.322.746


In accordance with CVM Instruction 358, ARTERIS S.A. ("Arteris") announces that it was approved today the merger of Paulista Gerenciamento de Rodovias Ltda. ("Paulista") by Latina Manutenção de Rodovias Ltda.
("Latina"), both companies controlled by Arteris ("Merger"). The Merger of Paulista by Latina is part of the
group's corporate restructuring project, aimed at better organizing its activities, increasing economic efficiency and gaining synergies, reducing operational and financial costs and simplifying its corporate structure.
São Paulo, April 14th, 2014.

Alessandro Scotoni Levy

Investor Relations Officer of Arteris S.A.


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