ASX Announcement: 25 September 2014

Atlas Dividend Reinvestment Plan Price

Atlas Iron Limited (ASX Code: AGO) advises that the issue price at which shares will be issued under the Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP) in respect of the dividend for the 2014 financial year is $0.5529 per share.
The issue price was calculated in
accordance with the
DRP rules using the daily volume weighted
average price of Atlas' shares sold on the ASX over the 5 business days from 16 September 2014 to 22
September 2014 inclusive.
It is expected that the shares will be issued to DRP participants on rank equally in all respects with Atlas' other shares listed on the ASX.
0 October 2014. These shares will

The last election date for participation in the DRP for the 2014 financial year was 15 September 2014.

Atlas Iron Limited

ABN 63 110 396 168

Raine Square, Level 18

300 Murray Street Perth WA 6000

PO Box 7071

Cloisters Square Perth WA 6850

P: +61 8 6228 8000 F: +61 8 6228 8999


Inve tor Enquiries

Atlas Iron +61 8 6228 8000

Ken Brinsden, Managing Director

Media Enquiries

Read Corporate +61 8 93 8 1474

Paul Armstrong +61 421 619 084

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