Microsoft Word - EN-CMVM_COMUNICADO-AG Deliber 290515.docx


Banif - Banco Internacional do Funchal, S.A. hereby notifies that the company's General Meeting, held in the city of Funchal on 29 May 2015, approved all submitted proposals referring to the eleven items of the agenda, namely:
• It was decided to approve the Management Report of Banif - Banco Internacional do Funchal, S.A. for 2014 and the Separate and Consolidated Accounts of Banif - Banco Internacional do Funchal, S.A. for the said year;
• It was decided to approve the proposal to distribute the negative profit for the year, in the amount of € - 363,016,569.08, presented by the Board of Directors, as follows:
Retained Earnings: € - 363,016,569.08.
• It was decided to approve the documents endorsed by the Board of Directors designated 'Policy for selecting and evaluating the suitability of the members of the governing and audit bodies, and of persons in essential positions at Banif - Banco Internacional do Funchal S.A.' and the 'Regulations on the Prevention, Communication and Settling of Conflicts of Interest, including transactions with stakeholders of Banif - Banco Internacional do Funchal, S.A.'.
• It was decided to approve the document endorsed by the Board of Directors' Internal Specialised Corporate Governance Committee called 'Remuneration Policy for Members of the Governing and Audit Bodies of Banif - Banco Internacional do Funchal, S.A.'

Banif - Banco Internacional do Funchal, SA Limited Liability Company

Registered Office: Rua de João Tavira, 30 - 9004-509 Funchal

Share Capital: 1,720,700,000.00 euros

Single Registration and Corporate Taxpayer Number: 511 202 008

• It was decided to approve a proposal presented by the shareholders Rentipar Financeira, SGPS, S.A., Auto Industrial - Investimentos e Participações, SGPS, S.A., and IP Holding - SGPS, S.A., in accordance with number 1 of article 387 of the Companies Code, to have the meeting forgo discussion on issues referring to items 6 to 10 of the agenda, in order to maintain the current governing bodies of Banif in office, whereby it was approved that the discussion of the said items would be resumed on 26
August 2015 in accordance with the provisions of no. 2 of article 387 of the
Companies Code.
• It was decided to approve the proposal by the Board of Directors to purchase and sell own bonds.
Funchal, 29 May 2015
The issuer

Banif - Banco internacional do Funchal, SA Listed Company

Registered Office: Rua de João Tavira, 30 - 9004-509 Funchal

Share Capital: 1,720,700,000.00 Euros

Corporate Tax Number: 511 202 008

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