Exclusive at Leumi Digital: "Leumi SmartWatch": The First Banking App in Israel Tailored for the Smartwatch

From today Leumi customers can view their bank account balance and get alerts and updates - directly to their smartwatch

'Leumi Digital' continues to upgrade the customer experience and is launching - "Leumi SmartWatch" - the Leumi smartwatch application. For the first time in Israel, Leumi customers with a Samsung mobile phone - using the Leumi app on Android - can view up-to- date information on the balance of their bank account and credit card charges directly on their smartwatch, without having to log into their account. In addition, customers will receive important notifications and alerts about the status of their account.

Today, there is a growing trend of using wearable devices worldwide, and in Israel the use of Samsung smartwatches is the most popular. It is expected that in the next two years, tens of thousands of Israelis will join the thousands of Israelis who are already using these watches.

Leumi recognized this trend in advance and recently developed an innovative app, tailored for the smartwatch, allowing customers to view the balance of their bank account and credit card charges on the smartwatch screen, without having to enter identifying information in order to access their account. In addition, Leumi's 'Digital Assistant' will send customers, proactively, various notifications and alerts on the status of their account, such as notification of a new checkbook waiting at the bank branch, notification of a new credit card sent by post mail, or an alert that the credit limit in the bank account has been exceeded.

Leumi is the first bank in the Israeli banking system that offers these services for the smartwatch, with the aim of providing customers with more accessible banking information - on a platform used by them on a daily basis. The Bank is planning to expand the range of services that can be offered to customers through the smartwatch.

'Leumi SmartWatch' joins a long list of innovative services from 'Leumi Digital', including: 'Mobile Cash', 'Mobile Check Deposit', 'Instant Balance', 'My Facebook Bank Account', 'Text Cash Transfer', 'Leumi Total Digital', the 'Digital Wallet' and more.

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