Microsoft Word - 20150507 HR BKIA_Venta commander_EN.docx MATERIAL DISCLOSURE

Pursuant to article 82 of Law 24/1988 of 28 July on the Securities Market, Bankia, S.A. hereby reports that today, an agreement has been signed to sell a portfolio of non-performing developer loans amounting to
EUR 558 million, some of which are secured by real estate collateral.
The transaction, involving 180 loans, has a positive impact on the BFA Group's capiital of EUR 20 million,
EUR 16 million of which corresponds to Bankia.
This loan book has an overall impact of EUR 373 million on Bankia's balance sheet, and a further EUR
185 million on BFA's balance sheet.
The sale was agreed through a competitive process involving leading institutional i nvestors and financial
The above is notified as a material disclosure for all pertinent purposes.
Madrid, 7 May 2015

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