

Pursuant to article 82 of Law 24/1988 of 28 July on the Securities Market, and as a continuation of material disclosure 228695, of 24 September 2015, Bankia, S.A. hereby reports that the credit rating agency DBRS Ratings Limited ('DBRS') has upgraded the rating of the company's mortgage covered bonds from A (high) to AA, with the rating no longer under review with developing implications.

Inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Valencia, Tomo 9.341, Libro 6.623, Folio 104, Hoja: V-17.274. CIF: A-14010342

The rating upgrade stems from DBRS's review of its Rating European Covered Bonds Methodology, published on 8 September 2015, as a result of the impacts of developments in European legislation related with the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive ('BRRD').

The above is notified as a material disclosure for all pertinent purposes.

Madrid, 20 October 2015


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