Microsoft Word - HR BKIA_Acuerdo Mapfre-ing.docx MATERIAL DISCLOSURE

Pursuant to article 82 of Law 24/1988 of 28 July on the Securities Market, and
as a continuation of
Material Disclosure nº 199.329, BANKIA, S.A. hereby reports that MAPFRE and BANKIA have today signed the Execution Agreement for the Sale-Purchase of 51% of Aseval and Laietana Vida and 100% of Laietana

with the new shareholder agreements signed as part of the Bancassurance
Agreements between MAPFRE and BANKIA coming into effect as of this date, subject to approval by the relevant regulatory and supervisory authorities.
The above is notified as a material disclosure for all pertinent purposes.
Madrid, 30 October 2014

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