Microsoft Word - 20141015 HR BKIA_Webcast - Resultados 3Q14-ing.docx MATERIAL DISCLOSURE

Pursuant to article 82 of Law 24/1988 of 28 July on the Securities Market, Bankia, S.A. hereby reports that the presentation of its results for the third quarter of 2014 will take place on Frida y 24 October 2014 at

10:00 am CET.

The presentation can be followed via a video webcast in the Shareholders and Investors section of the corporate website, where the recording will be available for at least one month. Follow
this link to register:
The presentation may also be followed by conference call from the following telephone numbers:
From Spain: +34 91 788 9511
From the United Kingdom: +44 (0) 20 7038 9480
From the USA: +1 631 982 4560
Identification number 948496
The above is notified as a material disclosure for all pertinent purposes.
Madrid, 15 October 2014

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