Belgacom and Technobel are proud to announce that Algo-Bot won the second prize of the Serious Games Award 2013 at the "Games and Learning Alliance 2014" conference in the beginning of July.

Learning the core logic of IT development with Algo the robot, whether you're a player or looking for new training, this serious game is made for you.

Algo-Bot more than a game

Algo-Bot, already well known and the best serious game in the category RH Training in 2013, continues to grow. Integrated into the basic training of Technobel in 2014, this game has helped to train more than 50 future IT developers.

  • Sign up to Algo-Bot training from Technobel
Creating and sharing value

Information and communication technologies have become indispensable in our work and everyday life. They are a factor of social inclusion. However, in 2013, 15.1% of the Belgian population still did not use them. 

Through its long-term partnership with Technobel, Belgacom is committed to reducing the digital gap by improving access to basic technologies and services.  

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