+ transparency: 33 out of the 35 companies authorized the disclosure of questionnaire answers, an increase from 85% to 94% of the portfolio
+ attractiveness: five new companies took part in the ISE process

São Paulo, November 26, 2015 - BM&FBOVESPA announced today the 11th portfolio of the Corporate Sustainability index (ISE), effective from January 04, 2016 to December 29, 2016. The new portfolio is composed of 40 stocks of 35 companies. The companies are drawn from 16 sectors and have a combined market capitalization of BRL 960.52 billion, or 44.75% of the combined figure for all of the companies traded on BM&FBOVESPA, based on the close of trading on November 24, 2015 (in the previous year, ISE's combined market capitalization was BRL 1.22 trillion, the equivalent of 49.87% of the total, based on the close of trading on November 26, 2013).

The new ISE portfolio also evidences a significant increase to companies' transparency. The number of companies authorizing the publication of answers to the questionnaire has risen from 85% to 94%. This year 33 out of the 35 companies gave their authorization, compared to 34 out of 40 last year. The answers are published on the index's website: www.isebvmf.com.br.

Companies with the 200 most liquid equities at the time of portfolio renewal are invited to join the ISE annual process. ISE's technical partner since its creation is the Sustainability Study Center (GVCes) of FGV-EAESP. For the portfolio process announced today, 180 companies were invited. Of these, 46 signed up for one of more of the three categories (42 as Eligible, one as Training and eight as Simulated).

The 2016 portfolio was drawn up in an emblematic year for the index in which it celebrated its ten-year anniversary. In this decade ISE gained +128.88%, against 51.28% for Ibovespa (based on the November 24, 2015 closing). In the same period ISE was also less volatile: 25.57% compared to 42.81% for Ibovespa. This latest portfolio also inaugurates the 'Long Cycle' of the questionnaire, which is an in-depth review period to be held every three years. To create the latest questionnaire more than 580 contributions from companies and other stakeholders were considered, gathered in a wide-ranging consultation process between 2014 and 2015. The results, which were debated and approved by the ISE Deliberative Board at the start of June, outline important trends in the Corporate Sustainability field.

This year, once again, the ISE process included external Assurance by KPMG, which awarded it 'Limited Assurance no reservations' status. The ISE assurance process has been carried out since 2012 and grants even greater credibility and trustworthiness to the index. ISE has also maintained its daily press monitoring partnership with the company Imagem Corporativa.

New Portfolio - 2016
AES Tiete BRF Copel Eletrobras Fleury Light SulAmerica
B2W CCR CPFL Eletropaulo Itaúsa Natura Telefônica
Banco do Brasil Cemig Duratex Embraer Itaú Unibanco Oi Tim*
Bradesco Cesp* Ecorodovias Even Klabin Lojas Renner Tractebel
Braskem Cielo EDP Fibria Lojas Americanas Santander Weg

*companies that did not publish their answers to the questionnaire

Current Portfolio - 2015
AES Tiete BRF Copel Eletrobras Fleury JSL Natura Tim*
B2W CCR CPFL Eletropaulo Gerdau* Klabin Sabesp* Tractebel
Banco do Brasil Cemig Duratex Embraer* Gerdau MET* Light Santander Vale
Bradesco Cielo Ecorodovias Even Itaúsa Lojas Americanas SulAmerica Weg
Braskem Coelce EDP Fibria Itaú Unibanco Lojas Renner Telefônica*

* companies that did not publish their answers to the questionnaire
BicBanco PTO - Delisting on October 28, 2015

X-Ray of the Portfolio

  • 75% of companies include periodical discussions and assessments of socio-environmental issues at meetings of the Board of Directors or of the committees that report to it
  • 56% of companies have one or more woman on the Board of Directors (46% in 2015), 22% have one or more black person on the Board of Directors.
  • 93% of companies declare a corporate policy regarding climate change, approved by the Board of Directors or upper management of the company (83% in 2015).
  • 56% of companies include criteria/indicators related to their socio-environmental performances within the variable remuneration and assessment metrics of their management (board and/or executives).
  • 80% of companies declare a risk policy and 92% have corporate risk management with socio-environmental aspects.
  • 100% of companies publish a Sustainability Report in accordance with GRI directives (93% in 2015).
  • 93% of companies adopt practices or procedures to assess potential impact (positive or negative) on biodiversity, with 10% doing so systematically throughout their value chain.
  • 93% of companies declare that they have committed to previously established GGE reduction targets (67% in 2015), of which 53% have met or surpassed their objectives. (49% in 2015). Meanwhile, 7% of companies have not established these targets (33% in 2015).
  • 89% of companies have processes and procedures implemented for the application of socio-environmental criteria for the management of all of their critical suppliers. Of these, only 37% require that critical suppliers comply with labor legislation.
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