São Paulo, SP, April 28, 2014
BM&FBOVESPA S.A. - Bolsa de Valores, Mercadorias e Futuros
CVM - Comissão de Valores Mobiliários
Dear Sirs,
Bradespar S.A. informs its shareholders and the market in general that all the matters examined at the Annual Shareholders' Meeting held on this date, at 4 p.m., were approved, as follows:
1) the financial statements related to the fiscal year ended on December 31, 2013, after they have acknowledged the Management and Independent Auditors' Reports, and the Fiscal Council's Opinion;
2) the Parent Companies' proposals for the:
a) reelection of the Board of Directors' Members, Messrs. Lázaro de Mello Brandão, Luiz Carlos Trabuco Cappi, Antônio Bornia, Mário da Silveira Teixeira Júnior, João Aguiar Alvarez, Denise Aguiar Alvarez, Carlos Alberto Rodrigues Guilherme, Milton Matsumoto; and election of Mr. José Alcidez Munhoz;
b) election of the Fiscal Council's members, Messrs. Ariovaldo Pereira, João Batista de Moraes, Marcos Antônio Martins, Marcelo Gasparino da Silva and Luis Claudio de Freitas Coelho Pereira - sitting members; Clayton Neves Xavier, Paulo Ricardo Satyro Bianchini, Vicente Carmo Santo, Felipe Luckmann Fabro and Mário Luna - deputy members;
3) the amounts proposed by the Company's Management for the compensation regarding the year
a) of Managers, in the annual global amount of up to R$5,200,000.00, of which up to R$120,000.00 to the Board of Directors' Members and up to R$5,080,000.00 (fixed fees and eventual variable compensation) to the Board of Executive Officers' members;
b) of the Fiscal Council Members, in the monthly amount of R$9,600.00 to each Member.
According to the resolution made, on this date, the Board of Directors of Bradespar, after the Annual Shareholders' Meeting that elected it, chose Mr. Lázaro de Mello Brandão to be the Chairman and Mr. Luiz Carlos Trabuco Cappi to be the Vice-Chairman.

Cordially, Bradespar S.A.

Renato da Cruz Gomes

Investor Relations Officer

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