Títulos principais em Arial 12 negrito


Corporate Taxpayer's ID (CNPJ): 02.846.056/0001-97 Company Registry (NIRE): 35.300.158.334


In compliance with CVM Instruction 358, CCR S.A. ('CCR') (Bovespa: CCRO3; Bloomberg: CCRO3BZ; Reuters:CCRO3.SA) hereby informs its shareholders and market in general that, on this date, the Agreement for the Purchase and Sale of Equity Interest ('Agreement'), governed by the Law of New York state, United States of America, was concluded between its subsidiary CCR USA Airport Management. Inc. ('CCR USA'), Messrs. William John Evans, Jr., Denny Eichenbaum and Scott Offerdahl ('Original Shareholders'), and Jack Holding, Inc., a company incorporated by the Original Shareholders, to which the equity interests held by said Original Shareholders in the capital stock of Total Airport Services, LLC (previously named Total Airport Services, Inc.) ('TAS') was transferred. The object of the Agreement is the acquisition of seventy percent (70.00%) of the capital stock of TAS, a provider of management services related to airport activities in the United States of America. The total amount of the acquisition is twenty-one million and seven hundred thousand U.S. dollars (US$21,700,000.00).

With the conclusion of said acquisition, CCR now holds, indirectly through its subsidiary CCR USA, seventy percent (70.00%) of the capital stock of TAS, with the remaining thirty percent (30.00%) being indirectly held by Mr. William John Evans through Jack Holding, Inc. (which is now wholly owned by Mr. Willian John Evans).

São Paulo, November 13, 2015.

Arthur Piotto Filho

Investor Relations Officer
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