In addition to the Market Announcements of October 20, 2014 and January 12, 2015, we hereby inform our shareholders and the market in general that the Agencia Nacional de Energia Elétrica - ANEEL, through Order No. 2296 of July 14, 2015, approved the amount of R$ 1,007,043,439.38 (one billion, seven million, forty-three thousand, four hundred thirty-nine reais and thirty eight cents), on the base date of December 2012, corresponding to the part of the electric energy transmission assets, existing on May 31,
2000 not yet amortized for indemnity purposes, of the plants denominated "Existing Basic Network of the System (RBSE) and "other transmission plants (RPC)" of the subsidiary Eletrosul Centrais Elétricas S.A., as provided in Article 15, paragraph 2 of the Law No. 12,783/13.
As informed through the above mentioned Market Announcement, the Appraisal Report submitted by Eletrosul to ANEEL had certified, initially, the amount of R$ 1,061 million, on base date of December 2012, as the base value for the mentioned indemnity. The current accounting value of such assets is R$ 514 million.
Regarding the Assets of the Company not Amortized and/or depreciated, on May 31,
2000, the Superintendence of Economic and Financial Inspection ("SFF"), of ANEEL, through the Audit Report No. 071/2014, estimated, preliminarily, in January 2015, the
amount of R$ 995 million, base date of December 31, 2012, for the aforementioned indemnity. However, Eletrosul provided clarifications to ANEEL, in order to increase the
value of the mentioned indemnity, in the occasion of its approval by the Executive
Officer of ANEEL, according to the presented Appraisal Report.
The receiving form and the remuneration conditions of the mentioned amount will still be subject to regulation.
The Company will keep the market informed about the subject matter on this Market
Rio de Janeiro, July 15, 2015. Armando Casado de Araujo

CFO and Investor Relations Officer



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