CESP - COMPANHIA ENERGÉTICA DE SÃO PAULO CNPJ/MF nº 60.933.603/0001-78 NIRE 35300011996 Publicly-traded Company with Capital Authorized NOTICE TO THE MARKET

Explanation on CVM/BM&FBOVESPA Consultations
CESP - Companhia Energética de São Paulo ("CESP" or "Company"), complying with official letter nº
112/2015/CVM/SEP/GEA-1 of April 02, 2015, is re-introducing on this date the Administration Proposal in order to improve the following items:
1) Item II of proposal: Annexes 9-1-II of Instruction CVM 481/2009 on the Fiscal Year Net Profit
Destination Proposal, items 4, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16.
2) Item III of proposal: Data from Board of Directors and Fiscal Board members appointed for election, related to items 12.7 and 12.10 of annex 24 of Instruction CVM 480/2009.
3) Item IV of proposal: Comments from Directors, in item 10.1(lines "a", "b", "c", "e", "f.iii", "f.iv" and
"h") of the Reference Form.
4) Items I and V of proposal: Remuneration of the Board of Directors and Fiscal Board members, contemplating items 13.1, 13.2, 13.3 of the Reference Form.
São Paulo, April 08, 2015.
Almir Fernando Martins
CFO and Investor Relations Officer

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