Cetip S.A. - Mercados Organizados Corporate Taxpayer (CNPJ/MF) No. 09.358.105/0001-91 Company Registry (NIRE) No. 33.300.285.601 Publicly-Held Company NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS Increase of Shareholder's Holding Rio de Janeiro, February 13th, 2015 - Cetip S.A. - Mercados Organizados ("Cetip" or "Company") (BM&FBOVESPA: CTIP3), Latin America's largest depositary of private fixed income securities, Brazil's largest private asset clearinghouse and the leading company in providing electronic solutions for the delivery of information required for the registration of contracts and financial restrictions by transit bodies, informs that in accordance with article 12 of CVM instruction 358 of 2002, received the attached information sent by FIL Limitde ("FIL"). Willy Otto Jordan Neto

Investor Relations Executive Officer

245 Summer Street

Boston, MA 02210

Phone: 617-563-7000

Cetip S.A. - Mercados organizados Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima no. 1663 Pinheiros, São Paulo / SP, CEP: 01452-001

At: Willy Otto Jordan Neto
Investor Relations Executive Officer dri@cetip.com.br
São Paulo, February 11, 2015

Cetip S.A. - Mercados organizados - Disclosure of Material Equity Interest

Dear Mr. Neto:

1. We, the undersigned FIL Limited ("FIL"), hereby notify you that the separate accounts and funds managed by our investment adviser subsidiaries have acquired, in the name of some of our clients, 13,154,198 common shares. The aggregate holdings represent a 5.01% interest in the common shares issued by Cetip S.A. - Mercados organizados 2. Thus, for compliance with Article 12 of Instruction No. 358 issued by the Brazilian Securities Commission on January

3, 2002, as amended by Instructions 369 as of June 11, 2002 and 449 as of March 15, 2007, both issued by the Brazilian
Securities Commission, FIL hereby provides the following information:
i. The registered office of FIL is located at 42 Crow Lane, Hamilton, Bermuda;
ii. FIL's objective for the participation in the company is as a passive investment. We do not have the objective of changing the controlling group or the administrative structure of Cetip S.A - Mercados organizados;
iii. As indicated in item 1 above, we hold, on behalf of the separate accounts and funds for which FIL or its related subsidiaries act as investment manager, 13,154,198 common shares of Cetip S.A - Mercados organizados;
iv. None of our separate accounts or funds hold any convertible debentures issued by Cetip S.A - Mercados organizados;
v. FIL has not entered into agreements or undertakings governing the exercise of voting rights or the purchase and sale of securities issued by Cetip S.A - Mercados organizados, other than agreements usually executed for purposes of asset management, pursuant to which certain of our clients may exercise voting rights in respect of their investment portfolio.

3. Should any further clarification or commentary be required concerning the matter, please contact the Regulatory

Reporting Team at InvstCompRegReport@FMR.com.

Yours sincerely,

FIL Limited

Scott C. Goebel
Duly authorized under Power of Attorney effective
June 1, 2008 by and on behalf of FIL Limited and its direct and indirect subsidiaries

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