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(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability)


The Board is pleased to announce that the ordinary resolutions as set out in the notice of the EGM contained in the Circular were duly approved by the Shareholders by way of poll at the EGM held on 9 December 2013.

Reference is made to the announcement dated 15 October 2013 and the circular incorporating a notice of extraordinary general meeting of CGN Mining Company Limited (the "Company") dated
19 November 2013 (the "Circular"). Unless otherwise defined, capitalised terms used herein shall have the same meaning as defined in the Circular.
The poll results in respect of the resolutions proposed at the EGM held on 9 December 2013 are as follows:

Ordinary Resolutions

Number of Votes

(Approximate %)

Ordinary Resolutions



1. To approve the Revolving Loan Facility Agreement, the proposed Cap

Amount and the transaction contemplated thereunder.







The resolution was duly passed as an ordinary resolution.

2. To approve the Framework Agreement, the proposed Annual Cap Amounts and the transaction contemplated thereunder.







The resolution was duly passed as an ordinary resolution.

3. To authorise any one of the Directors to sign, seal, execute, perfect, deliver or to authorise signing, executing, perfecting and delivering all such documents and deeds, and to do or authorise doing all such acts, matters and things as they may in their discretion consider necessary, expedient or desirable to implement and/or effect the transactions contemplated by the Revolving Loan Facility Agreement and the Framework Agreement and to waive compliance with or make and agree such variations of a non-material nature to any of the terms of the Revolving Loan Facility Agreement and the Framework Agreement as they may in their discretion consider to be desirable and in the interests of the Company.







The resolution was duly passed as an ordinary resolution.

As at the date of the EGM, the issued share capital of the Company comprises 3,332,586,993 ordinary shares of HK$0.01 each ("Shares"), which was the total number of Shares entitling the Shareholders to attend and vote for or against or abstain from voting on the proposed resolutions set out in the notice of EGM.
As stated in the Circular, China Uranium Development and its associates, which together hold
1,670,000,000 Shares and have interests in the Revolving Loan Facility Agreement and the Framework Agreement, had abstained from voting on the resolutions concerning the Revolving Loan Facility Agreement and the Framework Agreement at the EGM. Therefore, the total number of Shares held by the Independent Shareholders who were entitled to attend and vote for or against all the ordinary resolutions proposed at the EGM was 1,662,586,993.
Save as disclosed above, there were no restrictions on any Shareholders to cast votes on the resolutions(s) at the EGM, and there were no Shares entitling the holder to attend and vote only against the resolutions proposed at the EGM.
The Hong Kong branch share registrar of the Company, Union Registrars Limited, was appointed as the scrutineer for vote-taking at the EGM.
By Order of the Board

CGN Mining Company Limited Zhou Zhenxing


Hong Kong, 9 December 2013

As at the date of this announcement, the board of Directors of the Company comprises two executive Directors: Mr. Yu Zhiping (chief executive officer) and Mr. He Zuyuan, four non-executive Directors: Mr. Zhou Zhenxing (chairman), Mr. Chen Qiming, Mr. Xing Jianhua and Mr. Huang Jianming, and three independent non-executive Directors: Mr. Ling Bing, Mr. Qiu Xianhong and Mr. Huang Jinsong.

* for identification purposes only


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