Microsoft Word - 15avril14_Avis de mise à dispo Doc AG_VA Proxy documents for the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be held on May 5, 2015 Chargeurs shareholders are invited to attend the Annual Shareholders' Meeting on: May 5, 2015 at 10:30 a.m.

at the Centre de Conferences Capital 8
32 rue de Monceau
75008 Paris - France

In accordance with Article R. 225-73 of the French Commercial Code (Code de Commerce), the notice of meeting and the proxy documents, including the meeting agenda, details of the proposed resolutions and instructions on how to participate and vote, were published in the Bulletin d'Annonces Legales Obligatoires (BALO), n°37, on March 27, 2015. A second notice of meeting will be published in the BALO on April 17, 2015.

The other information to be made available to shareholders pursuant to Article R.225-73-1 of the Commercial Code is now available for viewing or download from the Chargeurs website at (see "Shareholders' Meeting" section).
Other documents required by Article R. 225-83 of the Commercial Code will be made available to shareholders for consultation as of the meeting date, in accordance with the law.

April 14, 2015

Chargeurs: 112 avenue Kléber - 75116 Paris - France

Financial Communication: +33 (0)1 47 04 13 40 -

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