Rules of Procedures for Meetings of the Board of Supervisors of
China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.

Rules of Procedures for Meetings of the Board of Supervisors of China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.

(Amended in 2014)

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Rule 1 In order to improve the governance structure of China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. (the "Bank") and ensure its board of supervisors (the "Board of Supervisors") exercising the right of supervision independently under the laws, the Bank has formulated the Rules of Procedures for meetings of the Board of Supervisors in accordance with the "Company Law of the People's Republic of China" (the "Company Law"), the "Rules of Shareholders' General Meetings of Listed Companies", the "Mandatory Provisions of the Articles of Association of Companies Listed Overseas", the "Work Guidelines of the Board of Supervisors of Commercial Banks" and the "Articles of Association of China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd." (the "Articles") and provisions of other relevant law and regulations and regulatory documents.
Rule 2 The Board of Supervisors is the supervisory organ of the Bank which is accountable to the shareholders' general meeting. The purpose of which is to protect the legal rights of the Bank, shareholders, employees, creditors and other interested parties.

Chapter 2 Composition and Functions of the Board of Supervisors

Rule 3 The Bank shall have a Board of Supervisors. The Board of Supervisors shall consist of 5 to
9 supervisors. The Board of Supervisors shall have a chairman who shall be elected by more than one-half of all supervisors. The chairman of the Board of Supervisors shall be served by a professional person who shall at least have professional knowledge and work experience in accounting, auditing, finance and law. The chairman of the Board of Supervisors shall convene and preside over the meeting of the Board of Supervisors. If the chairman of the Board of Supervisors cannot discharge his/her duties or fails to discharge his/her duties, a supervisor selected by more than one-half of the supervisors shall convene and preside over the meeting of the Board of Supervisors.
The process of nomination and election of shareholder supervisors and external supervisors of the Bank shall make reference to the process of nomination and election of directors and independent directors set out in the Articles of Association of the Bank. Shareholder supervisors and external supervisors of the Bank shall be elected, removed and replaced by the shareholders' general meeting of the Bank; employee supervisors shall be nominated by the Board of Supervisors and the Labour Union of the Bank, and elected, removed and replaced by the staff representative meeting, the staff meeting or other democratic processes.
The number of supervisors nominated by the identical shareholder and his/her/its associates in principle shall not exceed one third of the total number of supervisors, and the identical shareholder in principle shall nominate only one candidate for the external supervisor and shall not nominate a candidate for an independent director and another candidate for an external supervisor simultaneously. If a waiver of the above requirements is required due to a special shareholding structure, an application setting out the reasons shall be made to the relevant regulatory authority.
The term of office of supervisors shall be three years, and may be renewable upon reelection and re-appointment. The term of office of external supervisors shall not be more than the aggregate of six years. Supervisors may resign prior to the expiry of their term of office. The Board of Supervisors shall comprise of shareholder representative supervisors, employee representative supervisors and external supervisors, and the number of both the employee representative supervisors and external supervisors shall not be less than one third of the total number of supervisors. External supervisors shall not have any relationship with the Bank and its substantial shareholders which will otherwise affect their independent judgments.

Please note that these Rules of Procedures for Meetings of the Board of Supervisors are written in Chinese without an official English version. This English version is for reference only. In case of any inconsistency, the Chinese version shall prevail.


Rules of Procedures for Meetings of the Board of Supervisors of
China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.
Rule 4 The Board of Supervisors is the supervisory organ of the Bank which is accountable to the shareholders' general meeting. It shall exercise the following functions and powers to protect the legal rights of the Bank, shareholders, employees, creditors and other interested parties:
(1) to supervise and examine the Bank's financial activities, with main focus on supervising its development strategies, operation decisions, internal control and risk management of the Bank, and lead the work of its internal audit department;
(2) to supervise the adoption by the Board of Directors of prudent business philosophy and value standards and formulate suitable development strategies in line with the actual situations of the Bank;
(3) to supervise the process of election and appointment of directors and the actual performance of duties by directors, president and other senior management members of the Bank, conduct overall assessment on the performance of duties by directors, supervisors and other senior management members of the Bank, and report the final assessment results to the banking regulatory authority and report the same to the shareholders' general meeting of the Bank, and require the directors, president and other senior management members to proceed with rectifications within a designated period and take accountability when they violate the relevant laws, rules, regulations and the Articles of Association of the Bank;
(4) to supervise the scientificalness and reasonableness of the remuneration management system and policies of the whole Bank and the remuneration packages for its senior management members;
(5) to make written or verbal proposals to directors, president and other senior management members of the Bank, give directions, conduct discussions, raise questions and require formal replies when necessary; when the directors, president and other senior management members are found to have problems in making and implementing important financial decisions, to require them to make rectifications and to report to the regulatory authority when necessary;
(6) to examine the Bank's regular reports prepared by the Board of Directors and submit written examination opinions on the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of such reports; to review financial information including the financial statements and business reports to be submitted by the Board of Directors to the shareholders' general meeting, to appoint, in the name of the Bank, registered accountants and practicing accountants to assist in reviewing such information should any doubt arises; and to review the profit distribution plans of the Bank and submit opinions on the compliance and reasonableness of the profit distribution plans of the Bank;
(7) to propose to convene extraordinary general meetings; to convene and preside over shareholders' general meetings if the Board of Directors fails to perform the duty of convening and presiding over shareholders' general meetings according to the provisions of the Articles of Association;
(8) to put forward proposals at the shareholders' general meeting;
(9) to represent the Bank in negotiating with its directors, president and other senior management members and to initiate legal proceedings against them according to the provisions of the Company Law;


Rules of Procedures for Meetings of the Board of Supervisors of
China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.
(10) the Bank's important decisions shall be reported to the Board of Supervisors in advance, and the information on operation conditions, financial conditions, important contracts, important events and cases, audit issues and significant changes in personnel shall be provided according to the requirements of the Board of Supervisors; The Board of Supervisors shall conduct investigation when becoming aware of any unusual operating situation;
(11) to conduct examination on the resignations of directors, president and other senior management members when necessary;
(12) to communicate with the banking regulatory authority on the status of the Bank on a regular basis; and
(13) other functions and powers stipulated by the relevant laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules and those conferred by the Articles of Association and the shareholders' general meeting.
Supervisors may attend board meetings, specialised committee meetings of the Board of Directors and senior management meetings, and shall be entitled to raise questions or put forward proposals in relation to the matters to be resolved at those meetings. Supervisors present at a meeting of the Board of Directors shall report the results of such meeting to the Board of Supervisors.
Rule 5 The Board of Supervisors may perform its duties by taking the following methods such as off-site monitoring, examination, attending meetings, visits and symposia, reviewing reports, investigations, questionnaires, conducting audit on resignations, and appointing a third party professional entity to assist its work, and shall have the right to require the Board of Directors and senior management members to provide necessary information on information disclosure and audit. The Board of Supervisors has an independent financial budget, and has the right to arrange budget expenditures independently based on its work conditions. All expenses incurred by the Board of Supervisors in performing its duties shall be borne by the Bank.
Supervisors shall proactively participate in the supervision and examination activities organized by the Board of Supervisors, and shall have the right to conduct investigations and obtain evidence independently in accordance with law, and raise queries and put forward supervisory opinions.
Rule 6 The audit results of the internal audit department of the Bank on each of its departments, branches, sub-branches and wholly-owned subsidiaries shall be fully reported to the Board of Supervisors in a timely manner. If the Board of Supervisors has any doubts on the audit results reported by the internal audit department, it shall have the right to require the Board of Directors or the internal audit department to make explanations.

Chapter 3 Special Committees under the Board of Supervisors

Rule 7 A Supervisory Committee and a Nomination Committee are established under the Board of Supervisors. The head of the Supervisory Committee and the Nomination Committee shall be external supervisors.
Rule 8 The major duties of the Supervisory Committee under the Board of Supervisors include:
(1) to formulate detailed plans on the performance of supervisory duties by the Board of
(2) to formulate supervisory plans for financial activities of the Bank and conduct relevant examinations;
(3) to supervise the adoption by the Board of Directors of prudent business philosophy and value standards and formulate development strategies in line with the actual situations of the Bank;


Rules of Procedures for Meetings of the Board of Supervisors of
China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.
(4) to conduct supervision and assessment on important financial decisions of the Board of Directors and senior management members and subsequent implementations, the establishment and improvement of internal control governance structure and overall risk management governance structure and the division of duties of relevant parties and the performance of their duties;
(5) to formulate the specific plans for reviewing the operation decisions, internal control and risk management of the Bank under the authorization of the Board of Supervisors when necessary;
(6) to formulate the plans for reviewing the resignations of directors, president and other senior management members when necessary; and
(7) any other matters authorized by the Board of Supervisors.
Rule 9 The main responsibilities of the Nomination Committee of the Board of Supervisors are as follows:
(1) to put forward proposals to the Board of Supervisors in relation to the scale and composition of the Board of Supervisors;
(2) to study the selection standards and procedures of supervisors and put forward proposals to the Board of Supervisors;
(3) to search extensively for qualified candidates for supervisors;
(4) to conduct preliminary examination and put forward proposals in relation to the qualifications and conditions of candidates for supervisors proposed by the shareholders; and
(5) to supervise the process of election and appointment of directors;
(6) to conduct assessment on the performance of duties by the Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, the senior management and its members and submit reports to the Board of Supervisors;
(7) to supervise the scientificalness and reasonableness of the remuneration management system and policies of the whole Bank and the remuneration package for its senior management members; and
(8) any other matters authorized by the Board of Supervisors.
Rule 10 the special committees may appoint intermediary institutions to provide professional advice and the relevant costs shall be borne by the Bank.

Chapter 4 Meetings of the Board of Supervisors

Rule 11 The Board of Supervisors shall hold at least one meeting on a quarterly basis, which shall be convened by the chairman of the Board of Supervisors. Supervisors may propose to convene an extraordinary meeting of the Board of Supervisors. When all the external supervisors make such proposal in writing, the Board of Supervisors shall convene a meeting. When all the external supervisors consider that the information on the resolutions presented at the meeting of the Board of Supervisors is not adequate or accurate, they may jointly make a written proposal to postpone the convening of such meeting or the consideration and approval of relevant resolutions, and the Board of Supervisors shall adopt such proposal.


Rules of Procedures for Meetings of the Board of Supervisors of
China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.
Rule 12 The notice on a meeting of the Board of Supervisors shall be sent in writing or by email to all the supervisors 10 days before convening the meeting of the Board of Supervisors. The notice on an extraordinary meeting of the Board of Supervisors shall be delivered one day before convening the meeting.
Rule 13 Notices of a meeting of the Board of Supervisors shall contain: (1) date, place of the meeting;
(2) duration of the meeting;
(3) reasons and topics for discussion submitted to the meeting; and
(4) date of the notice.
Rule 14 A meeting of the Board of Supervisors shall only be held if it is attended by more than half of the supervisors.
Rule 15 Supervisors shall attend meetings convened by the Board of Supervisors in person after receiving the notice of such meeting. If a supervisor cannot attend the meeting due to certain reasons, he/she may appoint another supervisor in writing to attend on his/her behalf. However, a supervisor shall not accept such appointments by more than two supervisors to attend a meeting of the Board of Supervisors on their behalf. External supervisors may appoint other external supervisors to attend on their behalf.
The proxy form shall state the name of the proxy, the relevant matters, scope of authorisation and validity period and shall be signed by the appointer or a chop shall be affixed.
The supervisor attending the meeting on other's behalf shall exercise the supervisor's rights within the scope of authorisation. If a supervisor fails to attend the meeting convened by the Board of Supervisors or appoint other supervisors to attend the meeting, the same shall be deemed as waiver of the voting right at such meeting.
Rule 16 Any supervisor shall, in person, attend at least two-thirds of the meetings of the Board of Supervisors each year. If a supervisor fails to attend meetings convened by the Board of Supervisors consecutively for two times and fails to appoint other supervisor(s) to attend such meetings on his/her behalf, or fails to attend at least two thirds of such meetings in person each year, he/she shall be deemed as failure on his/her part to perform his/her duties. The Board of Supervisors shall propose to the shareholders' general meetings or staff representative meeting to remove such supervisor.
Each shareholder representative supervisor and external supervisor shall work for the Bank for not less than 15 working days each year. The Board of Supervisors shall make self- assessment on its work performance each year, assess the performance of duties by its supervisors, and report relevant assessment results to the shareholders' general meeting.
Employee representative supervisor shall have the right to participate in the formulation of rules and regulations involving the interests of employees of the Bank, and shall proactively conduct supervision and examination on the implementation of such rules and regulations.


Rules of Procedures for Meetings of the Board of Supervisors of
China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.
Rule 17 The Board of Supervisors shall report to the shareholders' general meeting at least once a year. The report shall contain the following contents:
(1) the performance of duties by the Board of Directors and the senior management members and its members of the Bank, and the status of supervision on the financial activities, internal control and risk management of the Bank;
(2) the work performance of the Board of Supervisors;
(3) the provision of independent opinions on relevant issues;
(4) other matters which, in the opinion of the Board of Supervisors, shall be reported to the shareholders' general meeting.

Chapter 5 Resolutions of the Board of Supervisors

Rule 18 The method of discussion of the Board of Supervisors: meeting of the Board of Supervisors. Rule 19 Matters for discussion at meetings convened by the Board of Supervisors shall be voted item
by item, that is, voting commences after a proposal has been examined; the next proposal may not be voted if the previous proposal is still being voted. Each and every supervisor shall have one vote.
Rule 20 Meetings convened by the Board of Supervisors may be conducted by way of resolutions in writing provided that the supervisors should have fully expressed their views and the supervisors attending the meeting shall sign the resolutions accordingly.
Rule 21 Voting of resolutions at meetings convened by the Board of Supervisors shall adopt the following methods: voting by a show of hands and the voting by poll or written resolutions. Whether the resolutions and reports were passed, they shall be announced according to the voting results and the voting results shall be recorded in the minutes.
Rule 22 Resolutions and reports proposed by the Board of Supervisors shall be approved by more than two-thirds (including two-thirds) of the members of the Board of Supervisors.
If a supervisor has different opinions in principle on the resolutions or reports, the same shall be stated in the resolutions or reports.
Rule 23 Supervisors shall sign on the resolutions and shall be accountable to the resolutions passed by the Board of Supervisors. If it is verified that a supervisor has stated his objection when voting and the same has been recorded in the minutes, such supervisor may be exonerated from liability.
Rule 24 Minutes shall be taken for the meeting convened by the Board of Supervisors and the supervisors attending the meeting and the person taking the minutes shall sign on the minutes. Supervisors shall have the right to request to record in the minutes details of the speech made by them at the meeting. The minutes of the meeting convened by the Board of Supervisors shall be kept as the Bank's files for a period of not less than 10 years.


Rules of Procedures for Meetings of the Board of Supervisors of
China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.
Rule 25 The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Supervisors shall include the following: (1) date and place of the meeting and the name of the convener;
(2) names of the supervisors attending the meeting and names of the supervisors (proxies)
appointed by others to attend the meeting convened by the Board of Supervisors; (3) agenda of the meeting;
(4) main points of the speeches of the supervisors;
(5) methods and results of the voting for each proposal (the voting results shall state the numbers of votes for or against the proposal or abstention).

Chapter 6 Supplementary Provisions

Rule 26 These Rules shall be implemented on the day the Articles become effective after approval at the general meeting.
Rule 27 The interpretation power of the Rules of Procedures belongs to the Board of Supervisors.


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