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(Incorporated in the People's Republic of China as a joint stock limited liability company)


The Board of Directors (the "Board") of China Oilfield Services Limited (the "Company") announces Mr. Yang Haijiang ("Mr. Yang") resigned as the company secretary and authorised representative of the Company due to job change with effect from 28 August 2015. Mr. Yang has confirmed that he has no disagreement with the Board and there is no matter relating to his resignation that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company.
The Board also announces that Mr. Wang Baojun(CE{)j.)("Mr. Wang"), the General Counsel of the Company and the General Manager of the Legal Department of the Company(#.itliloHit�Jil Jli#.II!IJ!), has been appointed as company secretary and authorised representative of the Company with effect from 28 August 2015.
Mr. Wang, aged 39, holds a LL.B. in Law degree from the College of Economics and Business Administration of the North China University of Technology, a Master of Law degree and a Ph.D. in Law degree from the School of Law of the Renmin University of China, a LL.M. degree from the European Academy of Legal Theory, a LL.M. degree from the Katholieke Universiteit Brussels and a DEA degree from the Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis.
Mr. Wang has been qualified as a lawyer in the PRC since 1999, and as a certified public accountant of the PRC since 2005. Mr. Wang is also in possession of qualifications as a securities practitioner, and as an in-house legal counsel. Mr. Wang has also obtained the qualification of board secretary(j'f��lifi!f

��)issued by the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Wang practiced law initially as an in-house counsel and subsequently with law firms in Beijing. Mr. Wang joined the Company in 2007 and worked as a Legal Counsel of the Legal Department from August 2007 to June 2009, the Manager of Merger, Acquisition & Overseas Affairs of the Legal Department from July 2009 to October 2011, the General Manager of the Legal Department from November 2011 to April 2015, and is the General Counsel of the Company & General Manager of Legal Department from May 2015.
Mr. Wang has also acted as the Chairman of the board of COSL Holding AS, the principal subsidiary of the Company in Norway, since June 2013.
The Board highly recognised Mr. Yang's professionalism and would like to express their appreciation for his contribution during his tenure and congratulates Mr. Wang on his appointment as company secretary and authorised representative of the Company.
By Order of the Board

China Oilfield Services Limited Li Yong

Executive Director

27 August 2015

As at the date of this announcement, the executive directors of the Company are Messrs. Li Yong and Li Feilong; the non-executive directors of the Company are Messrs. Liu Jian (Chairman) and Zeng Quan; and the independent non-executive directors of the Company are Messrs. Fong Wo, Felix, Law Hong Ping, Lawrence and Fong Chung, Mark.


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