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The following sets out the "Announcement on Resolutions of the Twelfth Meeting of the Second Session of the Supervisory Committee by China Railway Construction Corporation Limited" published by China Railway Construction Corporation Limited (the "Company") on the website of the Shanghai Stock Exchange and newspapers in the PRC on 29 March 2014, for your reference only.

By order of the Board of Directors

China Railway Construction Corporation Limited MENG Fengchao


Beijing, the PRC

29 March 2014

As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises Mr. MENG Fengchao (Chairman and Executive Director), Mr. PENG Shugui (Vice Chairman and Executive Director), Mr. ZHANG Zongyan (President and Executive Director), Mr. HU Zhenyi (Executive Director), Mr. ZHU Mingxian (Non-executive Director), Mr. LI Kecheng (Independent Non-executive Director), Mr. ZHAO Guangjie (Independent Non-executive Director), Mr. WU Taishi (Independent Non-executive Director) and Mr. NGAI Wai Fung (Independent Non-executive Director).

Stock code: 601186 Stock short name: CRCC Announcement No.: 2014-011 China Railway Construction Corporation Limited Announcement on Resolutions of the Twelfth Meeting of the Second Session of the Supervisory Committee The supervisory committee of the Company and all supervisors warrant that there are no false representations or misleading statements contained in, or material omissions from this announcement, and severally and jointly accept responsibility for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of this announcement.

The twelfth meeting of the second session of the supervisory committee of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited (hereinafter refers to as the "Company") was convened on site on 28 March 2014 at No. 40 Fuxing Road, Haidian District, Beijing. All three eligible directors attended the meeting. The meeting was convened in compliance with relevant requirements of the Company Law of the People's Republic of China, the Articles of Association of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited ("Articles of Association") and the Working Rules of the Supervisory Committee of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited and etc.
The meeting was chaired by QI Xiaofei, chairman of the supervisory committee of the Company. At the meeting, the following proposals were considered and approved by open ballot as resolutions:
I. Considered and Approved the 2013 Financial Statements of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited (《中國鐵建股份有限公司 2013 年度財務决算 報告》 ), which is still subject to the consideration and approval at the general
meeting of the Company.
Voting results: For: 3, against: 0, and abstaining: 0.
II. Considered and Approved the 2013 Profit Distribution Plan of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited (《中國鐵建股份有限公司 2013 年度利潤分配 方案》). The profit distribution for the year 2013 is proposed to be based on the total
share capital (12,337,541,500 shares) on 31 December 2013 and distribute cash dividend of RMB1.3 per ten shares. The supervisory committee is of the opinion that the plan was beneficial to the long-term sustainable development of the Company and has complied with the actual situation of the Company, the requirements of the Articles of Association and relevant laws, as well as the standard of decision-making procedures of the board of directors. The Profit Distribution Plan for the Year 2013 of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited is still subject to the consideration and approval at the general meeting of the Company.
Voting results: For: 3, against: 0, and abstaining: 0.
III. Considered and Approved the 2013 Annual Report of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited and its Summary (《中國鐵建股份有限公司 2013 年年度報告及其摘要》). Pursuant to relevant requirements, the following opinions
upon review of the 2013 Annual Report of the Company and its Summary of China
Railway Construction Corporation Limited were given at the meeting:
Upon review, the supervisory committee is of the opinion that the preparation and procedures of consideration of the 2013 Annual Report of the Company complied with relevant requirements of the laws and regulations, the Articles of Association, as well as the internal management system of the Company. The contents and format of the report complied with each of the requirements of the CSRC and Shanghai Stock Exchange. The report reflected the operating and financial positions of the Company for the year of 2013 objectively and truthfully. There was no false representation or misleading statement, or material omission discovered. Prior to the resolution of the supervisory committee, no violation of the practice of confidentiality was found among staff participated in the preparation and consideration of the report.
The 2013 Annual Report of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited and its Summary is still subject to the consideration and approval at the general meeting of the Company.
Voting results: For: 3, against: 0, and abstaining: 0.
IV. Considered and Approved the Self-assessment Report of Internal Control for the Year 2013 of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited 2013 (《中國 鐵建股份有限公司 2013 年度內部控制評價報告》). After review, the committee is
of the opinion that during the reporting period, the Company further refined the internal control mechanism and improved the internal control system in accordance with its development strategy and regulatory requirements. The Company's ability in risk control and management was enhanced. The Self-assessment Report of the
Company's Internal Control (《關於公司內部控制的自我評估報告》) reflected the
actual position of the Company's internal control objectively and truthfully.
Voting results: For: 3, against: 0, and abstaining: 0.
V. Considered and Approved the Proposal in Relation to Change of Performance of Undertakings by Controlling Shareholder in Respect of Self-owned Buildings
and Land Use Rights of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited (《中國鐵

建股份有限公司關於變更控股股東履行自有房屋及土地使用權相關承諾》). The

committee is of the opinion that the change of performance of undertakings By controlling shareholder in respect of self-owned buildings and land Use Rights complied with the relevant requirements of the Regulatory Guidelines of Listed Companies No. 4 - Undertakings and Performance of Undertakings by De facto Controllers, Shareholders, Related Parties, Acquirers of Listed Companies and Listed
Companies (《上市公司監管指引第 4 -上市公司實際控制人、股東、關聯方、

收購人以及上市公司承諾及履行》). It will not compromise the investors' legal

rights and interests. The consideration procedures complied with the requirements of the Company Law and the Articles of Association. The Change of Performance of


Undertakings by Controlling Shareholder in Respect of Self-owned Buildings and Land Use Rights of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited is still subject to the consideration and approval at the general meeting of the Company.
Voting results: For: 3, against: 0, and abstaining: 0.
VI. Considered and Approved the Proposal in relation to the Change in
Accounting Policies of the Company of China Railway Construction Corporation
Limited ( 《中國鐵 建 股份有限公司 關於公 司會計政策變 更的議 案》 ). The
committee is of the opinion that the early implementation of the six new accounting standards (Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 39 Measurement at
Fair Value (《企業會計準則第 39 號─公允價值計量》) and Accounting Standards
for Business Enterprises No. 40 Joint Venture Arrangement (《企業會計準則第 40

號─合營安排》), revised Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 30

Consolidated Financial Statement (《企業會計準則第 30 -財務報表列報》),
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 9 Employee Remuneration (《企

業會計準則第 9-職工薪酬》), Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

No. 33 Consolidated Financial Statement《企業會計準則第 33 -合幷財務報

表》) and Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 2 Long-term Equity

Interest Investment (《企業會計準則第 2 -長期股權投資》)) issued by the
Ministry of Finance was appropriate and will not compromise the investors' legal rights and interests.
Voting results: For: 3, against: 0, and abstaining: 0.
VII. Considered and Approved the Working Report of the Supervisory
Committee for the Year 2013 of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited
(《中國鐵建股份有限公司 2013 年度監事會工作報告》). The Working Report of
the Supervisory Committee for the Year 2013 of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited is still subject to the consideration and approval at the general meeting of the Company.
Voting results: For: 3, against: 0, and abstaining: 0.
VIII. Considered and Approved the Proposal in Relation to the Main Points for
Work of the Supervisory Committee for the Year 2014 of China Railway Construction
Corporation Limited (《中國鐵建股份有限公司監事會 2014 年工作要點》).
Voting results: For: 3, against: 0, and abstaining: 0. Announcement is hereby given.

The Supervisory Committee of

China Railway Construction Corporation Limited

29 March 2014


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