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(A joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability)


On 27 July 2015, China Shipping Container Lines Company Limited (the "Company", together with its subsidiaries, collectively referred to as the "Group") received a subsidy for the retirement and replacement of transportation vessels in the amount of approximately RMB127 million (the "Subsidy"), through China Shipping (Group) Company, the controlling shareholder of the Company.
According to the provisions of Corporate Accounting Standards, the Group has recognized the
Subsidy as non-operating income, and included the same in the consolidated profit and loss for
2015 of the Group. The final accounting treatment in respect of the Subsidy will be subject to the results confirmed by the accounting firm after conducting the review or audit.
Receipt of the Subsidy will have a positive effect on the 2015 annual results of operations of the Group. Investors are advised to be cautious of investment risks when dealing in the shares of the Company.
By order of the Board of

China Shipping Container Lines Company Limited Yu Zhen

Joint Company Secretary

Shanghai, the PRC
27 July 2015

The Board as at the date of this announcement comprises of Mr. Zhang Guofa, Mr. Huang Xiaowen and Mr. Zhao Hongzhou, being executive Directors, Ms. Su Min, Mr. Ding Nong, Mr. Liu Xihan, Mr. Yu Zenggang and Mr. Chen Jihong, being non-executive Directors, and Ms. Zhang Nan, Mr. Guan Yimin, Mr. Shi Xin, Ms. Hai Chi Yuet and Mr. Graeme Jack, being independent non- executive Directors.

* The Company is a registered non-Hong Kong company as defined in the Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622 of the Laws of Hong Kong) and it is registered under its Chinese name and under the English name "China Shipping Container Lines Company Limited".

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