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China ZhengTong Auto Services Holdings Limited

(Incorporated under the laws of the Cayman Islands with limited liability)

(Stock Code: 1728)


This announcement is made by the board of directors (the "Board") of China ZhengTong Auto
Services Holdings Limited 9=�iEWÉfJ!rHf1flx:ffri0RJ (the "Company") pursuant to
Rule 13.09 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong
Kong Limited (the "Listing Rules") and the Inside Information Provisions (as defined in the Listing Rules) of Part XIVA of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong).
The Company announces that the Company has recently received the "Approval of Establishment of Shanghai Dongzheng Automobile Financing Company Limited* (_ti'i JfiEÉfJ!r��:ffriJ'tf0RJ) by China Banking Regulatory Commission ("CBRC")" (the
"Approval") issued by CBRC. Pursuant to the Approval, the Company may prepare and establish Shanghai Dongzheng Automobile Financing Company Limited* (_ti'iJfiEÉfJ!r�

�:ffriJ'tf0RJ) (the "Automobile Financing Company") with Dongfeng Motor Corporation

in the six months from the date of the Approval. The Company will become the controlling
shareholder of the Automobile Financing Company. The establishment of the Automobile Financing Company by the Company and Dongfeng Motor Corporation shall be strictly in compliance with laws and regulations and will be supervised and guided by relevant authority. Upon completion of the establishment, the Automobile Financing Company shall make official application for commencement of its operations in accordance with relevant requirements and procedures.
The Company primarily engages in sales of luxury branded automobile and automobile aftermarkets services, with a strategic focus on financing, insurance and other extended services business in recent years. The establishment of the Automobile Financing Company shall further diversify the business of the Company and boost growth potentials.

* For identification purposes only

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Upon receipt of the official approval for commencement of operations of the Automobile Financing Company by the Company, further announcement shall be made in accordance with the relevant requirements of the Listing Rules in due course.

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of

China ZhengTong Auto Services Holdings Limited Wang Muqing


Hong Kong, 14 August 2014

As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises Mr. WANG Muqing (Chairman) as a non-executive Director; Mr. WANG Kunpeng (Chief Executive Officer), Mr. LI Zhubo, Mr. CHEN Tao and Mr. SHAO Yong Jun as executive Directors; and Dr. WONG Tin Yau, Kelvin, Mr. ZHAO Chunjun and Mr. Chang Xiuze as independent non-executive Directors.

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