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This announcement is made voluntarily by the Coastal Greenland Limited (the "Company").


The board (the "Board") of directors (the "Directors") of the Company is pleased to announce that, on 22 September 2014 (after trading hours of The Stock Exchange of the Hong Kong
Limited (the "Stock Exchange")), the Company as a guarantor and Il�llj�i!.iiìlt.fR0

P1 (for transliteration purpose only, Lu Jia Zui International Trust Company Limited) ("Lu Jia

Zui") entered into a guarantee agreement (the "Guarantee Agreement") pursuant to which the

Company agreed to provide a guarantee in favour of Lu Jia Zui to secure all obligations of Coastal Greenland Development (Wuhan) Ltd. ("Coastal Wuhan") under a trust loan agreement (the "Trust Loan Agreement") dated 22 September 2014 entered into between Lu Jia Zui and Coastal Wuhan pursuant to which Lu Jia Zui agreed to grant a loan in the aggregate amount of not more than RMB300 million to Coastal Wuhan and the Company would be held liable jointly with Coastal Wuhan under the Trust Loan Agreement.


Summarised below are the principal terms of the Guarantee Agreement: Date: 22 September 2014
Parties: (a) the Company as guarantor
(b) Lu Jia Zui
To the best of the knowledge, information and belief of the Directors having made all reasonable enquiries, Lu Jia Zui and its ultimate beneficial owner are third parties independent of the Company and its connected persons (as defined under the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange) (the "Listing Rules").
Way of guarantee: Joint liability guarantee
Type of guarantee: Assured guarantee
Guarantee amount: Not more than RMB300 million, being aggregate amount of the loan under the Trust Loan Agreement.
Term: From the date of the Guarantee Agreement to two years after fulfilment of all obligations under the Trust Loan Agreement by Coastal Wuhan.
Scope of assured guarantee:
All obligations of Coastal Wuhan under the Trust Loan Agreement including the principal amounts, interest, compound interest, overdue interest, default interest, liquidated damages, compensations and fees incurred in relation to the enforcement of the Trust Loan Agreement.
The Guarantee Agreement does not constitute any notifiable transaction of the Company under Chapter 14 of the Listing Rules, nor any connected transaction of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules. The Board wishes to make a voluntary disclosure of the Guarantee Agreement to inform the shareholders of the Company (the "Shareholders") of the details thereof.
The Directors consider that the Guarantee Agreement is in the interests of the Company and the
Shareholders as a whole.
By order of the Board

Coastal Greenland Limited Jiang Ming


Hong Kong, 22 September 2014

As at the date of this announcement, the board of Directors comprises Mr. Jiang Ming, Mr. Tao Lin, Mr. Cai Shaobin and Ms. Wang Hongmei as executive Directors, Mr. Lu Jiqiang and Dr. Dai Jingming as non-executive Directors and Mr. Chen Xiaotian, Mr. Wong Kai Cheong and Mr. Yang Jian Gang as independent non-executive Directors.

* For identification purpose only


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