Slide 1

A Melhor Energia do Brasil.


3rd Quarter


Certain statements and estimates in this material may represent expectations about future events or results, which are subject to risks and uncertainties that may be known or unknown. There is no guarantee that the events or results will take place as referred to in these expectations.

These expectations are based on the present assumptions and analyses from the point of view of our management, in accordance with their experience and other factors such as the macroeconomic environment, and market conditions in the electricity sector; and on our expectations for future results, many of which are not under our control.

Important factors that could lead to significant differences between actual results and the projections about future events or results include our business strategy, Brazilian and international economic conditions, technology, our financial strategy, changes in the electricity sector, hydrological conditions, conditions in the financial and energy markets, uncertainty on our results from future operations, plans and objectives, and other factors. Because of these and other factors, our real results may differ significantly from those indicated in or implied by such statements.

The information and opinions herein should not be understood as a recommendation to potential investors, and no investment decision should be based on the veracity, currentness or completeness of this information or these opinions. None of our professionals nor any of their related parties or representatives shall have any liability for any losses that may result from the use of the content of this presentation.

To evaluate the risks and uncertainties as they relate to Cemig, and to obtain additional information about factors that could give rise to different results from those estimated by Cemig, please consult the section on Risk Factors included in the Reference Form filed with the Brazilian Securities Commission - CVM - and in the 20-F form filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission - SEC.

In this material, financial amounts are in R$ million (R$ mn) unless otherwise stated.

Financial data reflect the adoption of IFRS.

+26.0% +26.9% +475.9%



3Q14 3Q15



3Q14 3Q15



3Q14 3Q15

  • Portfolio of businesses maintains stability of results.

  • Positive contributions to revenue from: (i) accounting of supply of gas; and (ii) CVA.

  • Equity loss on the Santo Antônio power plant was lower in 3Q15.


    • Cemig filed action with Federal Supreme Court.

    • Auction of plants scheduled for November 25.


    • Aneel set rules for renewal of distributors' concessions.


    • Recognition by the market endorses our leadership

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