


Highlights 要点 Dragon Energy has been selected as the preferred applicant for Petroleum Exploration Permit STP-EPA-0123 following a successful work program bid. 通过成功竞标,华龙能源被授予石油勘探许可证 STP-EPA-0123 的优先申请人资格。 "Application for petroleum exploration permit STP-EPA-0123 (Area L13-3) in respect to Release 1 of 2013 under the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967" "申请区块是西澳政府按《石油与地热能源资源法案 1967》释放并公开招标的 2013 年度 1 号石油勘

探许可证 STP-EPA-0123(L13-3 区域)"

Approximately 1,277km2, located in the northern Perth Basin.

位于珀斯盆地北部,占地面积约 1277 平方公里。

Permit is prospective for hydrocarbons based on source and reservoir rocks of Permian- Jurassic age. The Mt Horner Oilfield is located 5km to the south. 该许可证区对勘探蕴藏于二叠纪和侏罗纪年代生成的油气资源非常有前景。霍纳尔山(Mt Horner

油田就位于该区南 5 公里处。

Preliminary exploration targets identified from historical 2D seismic work require systematic follow-up.

Dragon Energy Limited ("Dragon Energy" ASX: DLE) is pleased to announce that the Department of Mines and Petroleum of Western Australia (DMP) has selected DLE as the preferred applicant for Petroleum Exploration Permit STP-EPA-0123, following a successful work program bid. DLE has formally notified DMP of its intention to proceed with this application. NTA negotiations can now be entered into and once an agreement has been formalised the permit will be granted.
华龙能源有限公司("华龙能源",澳交所代码:DLE)欣悦地宣布,通过成功竞标,西澳大利亚州矿山与石 油部(DMP)已经授予华龙能源公司作为石油勘探许可证 STP-EPA-0123 的优先申请人资格。华龙已经正式 向 DMP 表达了推进此项申请的意向。关于原住民土地权协议的谈判已经可以开始。等协议正式签署后,许可 证就将被颁发。
STP-EPA-0123 (formerly Release Area L13-3) is 1,277km2 in area and lies onshore in the northern Perth Basin 50km east of Geraldton, and is 350km north of Perth, Australia (Figure 2). Origin Energy, AWE Limited and Empire Oil & Gas NL currently dominate the ground holding in the Perth Basin, and in 2013 collectively produced; 543kL Oil, 267651x103 m3 Gas, 8322kL Condensate (DMP Website).
石油勘探许可证 STP-EPA-0123("区块 L13-3")占地 1277 平方公里,地处珀斯盆地的北部陆地,位于杰 拉尔顿(Geraldton)东部 50 公里、珀斯市北部 350 公里(见图 2)。Origin 能源公司、AWE 有限公司和帝 国石油与天然气公司目前是珀斯盆地矿权的主要持有公司。2013 年期间,这几家公司一共生产了 54.3 万升原 油、26 万 7651 千立方米天然气,832.2 万升冷凝油气产品(数据来源于 DMP 网站)。

Mr. Gang Xu, Managing Director, commented; "The award of the preferred applicant for Dragon Energy's first application on prospective petroleum tenements is an endorsement for Dragon Energy. I personally thank, Mr. Mark Hafer, our Exploration Manager, for compiling such a quality application. I also thank Mr. Russell Byfield of Strategy Central for his industry contribution throughout the application process. This is an exciting moment for DLE as we enter the energy business. We will initially focus on conventional onshore oil and gas discovery and development; then unconventional gas will be considered in the future."
公司董事总经理徐刚先生说:"华龙能源首次申请高质量的石油勘探权就被选为优先申请人,这是对华龙能源 公司的肯定。我个人要感谢我们的勘探经理马克 ∙黑法先生,因为他主编了高质量的竞标文件。我也要感谢 Strategy Central的拉赛尔∙拜菲尔德先生在整个申请过程中给我们提供的行业咨询。对公司来说现在能进入能 源行业是一个激动人心的时刻。我们最初的工作重点将放在区块内的传统石油天然气勘探和开发,未来将考虑 区块内非传统的页岩气资源。"


A number of exploration wells have been drilled in the vicinity of the permit with the Mt Horner Oilfield located
5km to the south, this oilfield was previously in production from 1984 to 2011. The permit straddles the Bookara Shelf, a relatively shallow basement containing up to 3,600m of Permian to Jurassic strata, and to a lesser extent the Wicherina, Irwin and Allanooka Terraces. This permit is prospective for hydrocarbons. Only ten stratigraphic and exploration wells have been drilled in the permit area, two of which have recorded hydrocarbon shows (Jay-1 and Rosslyn-1). DLE's proposed exploration program will initially focus on performing geotechnical studies, reprocessing existing 2D seismic data and the acquisition and analysis of
3D seismic data.
在这个许可证区的附近已经钻过若干口勘探油井。霍纳尔山(Mt Horner)油田就位于该区南方 5 公里处,而 该油田在 1984 年至 2011 年期间一直在生产。许可证区横跨布卡拉(Bookara)大陆架(该大陆架是个相对较 浅的基底 ,含有多达 3600 米的二叠纪 和侏罗 纪 年 代 的 地 层,并含有较少量的 Wicherina 、 Irwin 和 Allanookata 台地。该许可证区很有可能蕴藏油气资源。在该许可证区内,一共只钻过 10 口地质研究井和勘探 井,其中有两口井有油气显示(Jay-1 和 Rosslyn-1 井)。DLE 提议的勘探工作计划将首先进行地质构造学研 究,重新处理现有的二维地震勘探数据,并获取和分析三维的地震勘探数据。
Previous exploration work data in the northern Perth Basin will be assessed and reviewed to develop a geological model for the area. Following the generation of a suite of isopachs going south to the Mt. Horner Oilfield, a structural/depositional history will be unravelled which will provide the framework for 2D seismic interpretations.
公司将评估和研究先前在珀斯盆地北部做过的勘探工作和数据,以开发出该区域的地质勘探模型。在生成向南 至霍纳尔山油田的一整套等厚图后,将可显示出地质结构和沉积历史,这将为二维地震勘探数据的解译提供基 础。
In the SW area of the permit the acquisition of 27km2 3D seismic survey is recommended over x13 previously identified, untested prospects to accurately define the trapping mechanisms. This survey will also provide post mortems of two wells with hydrocarbon shows. It is envisioned that a number of drill targets will be defined and prioritised and up to two targeted exploration wells will be drilled. In the SE Area infill 2D seismic surveys will be acquired and processed in conjunction with existing seismic lines. New or existing prospects should be clearly defined (Figure 1).
在许可证区内西南部涉及 27 平方公里范围内有 13 个以前确定的但尚未钻探测试过的靶区,建议获取相关的三 维地震勘探数据以准确圈定油气储藏构造。这些调查数据还将提供关于那两口有油气显示的井的进一步资料。 公司将对新老靶区进行优先排序,时机成熟时将采用钻探测试。在区内东南部,在已有稀疏地震勘探线基础上 将获取进一步的二维地震勘探数据以明确圈定勘探靶区(图 1)。


Figure 1: 2D Seismic Coverage in the Permit Area


Source: Base map- Extracted from GeoVIEW (Geological Survey of Western Australia), Insert- Historical seismic report


For further information please contact:
Gang Xu 徐刚

Managing Director 董事总经理

Telephone 电话: +61 8 9322 6009
Mark Hafer 马克∙黑法

Exploration Manager 勘探经理

Telephone 电话: +61 8 9322 6009

About Dragon Energy 关于华龙能源

Dragon Energy Limited (ASX: DLE) listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) in February 2009 (ASX: DLE). It has an iron ore development project in the Pilbara region of Western Australia comprising the Rocklea and Nameless deposits. Dragon Energy has a portfolio of tenements with targets for Au, base metals, Fe, Mn and U in Western Australia. DLE also has a joint venture with Shandong Energy Australia Pty Ltd and Shandong Lunan Geo-Engineering Exploration Institute in its Ashburton project. The recently added petroleum interest will be DLE's immediate focus.

华龙能源有限公司(澳交所代码:DLE)于 2009 年 2 月在澳大利亚证交所成功上市。在西澳大利亚皮尔巴拉地区拥有一 个高级铁矿开发项目包括 Rocklea 和 Nameless 两个矿床。华龙能源在西澳大利亚州拥有多个勘探矿权,勘探目标包括金、 有色金属、铁、锰和铀。DLE 还与山东能源澳大利亚有限公司和山东省鲁南地质工程勘察院共同拥有 Ashburton 合作勘探 项目。最近获得的石油天然气权益将成为华龙能源下一步工作的重点。


Figure 2: Well Location and Cross Section of the Project Area




Source: "Geology and Petroleum Prospectivity of State Acreage Release Area L13-3, Onshore Northern Perth Basin, Western Australia"

(GSWA, 2013).

来源:"西澳大利亚珀斯盆地北部陆地的州面积释放区域L13-3"(GSWA, 2013)。


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