[ ] [May/June] 2011 Drillsearch Energy Limited

ABN 73 006 474 844

Telephone +61 2 9249 9600

Facsimile +61 2 9249 9630 admin@drillsearch.com.au www.drillsearch.com.au Level 16, 55 Clarence Street Sydney NSW 2000

10 October 2014

Drillsearch Energy Limited (ASX Code: DLS) Notification Under section 708A(5)(e) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)

Drillsearch gives notice under section 708A(5)(e) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Corporations Act) that:
1. Drillsearch issued 49,780 fully paid ordinary shares on 10 October 2014 under the
$1,000 Employee Share Plan (the Plan was approved by shareholders at the Drillsearch Energy Limited 2012 AGM which was held on 21 November 2012), without disclosure to investors under Part 6D.2 of the Corporations Act.
2. As at the date of this notice;
(a) Drillsearch has complied with the provisions of Chapter 2M of the
Corporations Act as they apply to Drillsearch;
(b) Drillsearch has complied with section 674 of the Corporations Act; and
(c) there is no "excluded information" within the meaning of sections 708A(7) and
708A(8) of the Corporations Act which is required to be disclosed by
Drillsearch under section 708A(6)(e) of the Corporations Act.

Jean Moore

Company Secretary

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