Drillsearch Energy Limited

ABN 73 006 474 844

Telephone +61 2 9249 9600

Facsimile +61 2 9249 9630 admin@drillsearch.com.au www.drillsearch.com.au Level 16, 55 Clarence Street Sydney NSW 2000

10 April 2014

Drillsearch Energy Limited (ASX Code: DLS) Unlisted Performance Rights Lapse

Drillsearch wishes to advise that:

24,939 performance rights under the 2013 grant with a performance period ending on 30 June 2014 lapsed on 8 April 2014.

Following the lapse of these performance rights, Drillsearch has on issue the following unlisted performance rights:


Performance rights under the 2012 grant with a performance period

ending on 30 June 2015.


Performance rights under the 2013 grant with a performance period

ending on 30 June 2014.


Performance rights under the 2013 grant with a performance period

ending on 30 June 2016.

Jean Moore Company Secretary
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