Form 603 Corporations Act 2001 Section 671B Notice of initial substantial holder

603 Page 1 of 2 15 July 2001


ACN/ARSN 110 385 709

1. Details of substantial holder (1)

Name Cyberstore Technology Limited

ACN/ARSN (if applicable)

The holder became a substantial holder on22/05/2015

2. Details of voting power

The total number of votes attached to all the voting shares in the company or voting interests in the scheme that the substantial holder or an associate (2) had a relevant interest (3) in on the date the substantial holder became a substantial holder are as follows:

Class of securities (4)

Number of securities

Person's votes (5)

Voting power (6)

Ordinary Shares




3. Details of relevant interests

The nature of the relevant interest the substantial holder or an associate had in the following voting securities on the date the substantial holder became a substantial holder are as follows:

Holder of relevant interest

Nature of relevant interest (7)

Class and number of securities

Cyberstore Technology Limited

Beneficial holder of the shares

Ord 14,600,000

4. Details of present registered holders

The persons registered as holders of the securities referred to in paragraph 3 above are as follows:

Holder of relevant


Registered holder of


Person entitled to be

registered as holder (8)

Class and number of securities


Technology Limited


Technology Limited


Technology Limited

Ord 14,600,000

5. Consideration

The consideration paid for each relevant interest referred to in paragraph 3 above, and acquired in the four months prior to the day that the substantial holder became a substantial holder is as follows:

Holder of relevant interest

Date of acquisition

Consideration (9)

Class and number of securities




Technology Limited



Ord 14,600,000

603 P 2of2 t5JIIy2001


The reasons the persons named in ph 3ç01$$0C.iaof the substanUalnokfer areas roi!Ows.


Thè aCk!t'e!lllt::'l of s:c on:;. n; mcQ SI tti$ form are es tcilows:

Noune Adaress

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sign horo 22/0$/201$


(1) lf lhete : re;numberof ub::t.: nti:ll holéer.;.ith $ t or rç!;;rlod rc:IC'•ant CrG$1$(og $ corporation and !t& refated corporar10ns,or the man•rand lruSJ:oo of an &QUitY tl!$t), the narnescould be tleluao&d In an annexure lO tle foon.lf lf'lt> relev3flt inter liof111 gtoupof peNcm; te essen:i:dly r,tfley mbe tefem::d to fhroughovt lhe foilri$mil' $pcç mt;Ogrovpif the membeMip of each

group,with tne names and sdOresses Of m.em iS ete-arly out in $)*t'3gr3ph 7 of tfll!form.

(2} Soo thecetinmon ot a$$00:3!8"In sact on9 ot tl'le CorporattoMAd 2001.

(3) See the de&llt!OnOf •retevant Jn:erest" hsectiOf'lll 608at'ld 6716(7)0f t:he CorporatiOns Aet 2001.

(5) TI!e tetal number of votes an&ehed10 al!lhe vo!ir.ç sh:: rein the:comp.:myot v!Xing imete;ts.i;c:hcmc (d ii"Y) th11.the P8t'$On or an

. h;$f'$1evant inan:m r..

(6) Thc pet$0n"$ V01e:& dividedt:tt the totalvotesInme bodyOOI'I)Of31e or 9Cheme multiplied by 100.

(7) Include OOtails of:

(: ) ny rek:v:ant :eemerd or o!cin:um$tfl00$ b)• içh th$ rtl$vt intotJnm waa.ii. !f wb$ec:tion 6718(4) 8ppf.e&,8 oopy or

sny doeutnet'lf settitlg out the tertns of ;,ny rctev:an!:.gteemen!,:md :t s tement by the pen givin ;fv ;: nd wr; tç dClaù ol a.ny cor.;ract,$01'1011'1$ or ant gtWTJent,ITMJ&t 9CCOfi'IS)any tnl& torm. togetner w;m 8Wrtletl 6181ementOeftfying tt!ISoonllaret. sel'leme or artanget'l'lec'lt. and

(b) 3:fly tiOtl ot the poweror 3 pettOtl toex eise,oet!ol!l'lE! exeteise of,otluet oeo the e.xe.rciseof, th!!votipowe:n.a

di$P0$$1 of trte wcuntleG to wtucn me rele'voot tnto:tre&t relatea. (rld CS:tng Clearty theparocuJaraecuctleG towhleh theQue:l6cat;cn


tlwdelinitiotof "rele·:klt 3greemr in sedion 9 of theCorpOr iOl'IS Ad. 2001.

($) tf the MI;anéi:d holcler i:: un:sble lo de6c:rmine thc idenlity of the petSOn ( eg. if the n:lev:mt intcre:st bt:cst.St:of :m oplion) WJite


(9) Del$iiS of tfle oonsiaet iOtl must indUOO srty and siibeflet'rts. money snd other,tllatany pereon JromWhOm s reie'tant lhtereet was

aoQUtred 1as.. or ma.y.beoome e"'i'JOO t receive inrelaila:t tJQqui$ition mv;: be induded cven iil.he bendlt i$çondilion;at on

the h: ppe:ni «not of 3COI'l r'ICy.aifsmust be ir'lduaed Of sny oonem paia on behallof tt:e a.ubstaMiaJhOiaer or Il&a&SOcale in reta!lon totne aCQti::SIIOns,e-tenlf :Mvare not PSid drectty to tne PEII'$On fromwtQm the vanin:$t'C$t w""uired

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