20141025 HR IB-BA_CNMV

De conformidad con lo previsto en el artículo 82 de la Ley 24/1988, de 28 de julio, del Mercado de Valores, eDreams ODIGEO (la "Sociedad") hace pública la siguiente información.

Adicionalmente, recordamos que la Sociedad organizará una conferencia con inversores el lunes

27 de octubre a las 10h00. Los detalles de la conferencia se informarán a primera hora del lunes

27 de octubre.

En Luxemburgo, a 25 de octubre de 2014

eDreams ODIGEO


BA and Iberia fares available again on edreams.es and opodo.fr

BA and Iberia have reinstated their fares in the 2 largest sites out of the 3 from which they had removed fares less than 24 hours ago, and eDreams ODIGEO has decided to continue offering Iberia and BA flights to its customers. BA and Iberia fares are available in 66 out of 67 eDreams ODIGEO sites. BA and Iberia fares not being present on one site affects less than 0.2% of total eDreams ODIGEO bookings.
In addition, eDreams ODIGEO confirms that it has seen no impact on its trading volumes nor service delivery to consumers in the period of less than a day when the fares were not available. Instead, consumers have chosen from over the 430 other airlines that eDreams ODIGEO offers on its websites. For instance, sales in edreams.es were larger yesterday than they were a week ago.
eDreams ODIGEO strongly believes that BA and Iberia's actions are not about any form of non-compliance with the law, but instead about non-compliance with the terms that BA and Iberia want to impose on travel agents which, in the view of eDreams ODIGEO, would reduce consumer choice and would reduce the ability of consumers to access better prices.


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