São José dos Campos, Brazil, November 26, 2015

- The BM&FBOVESPA (São Paulo Stock Exchange) announced today, November 26, the inclusion of Embraer as a member of the eleventh portfolio of the Corporate Sustainability Index (Índice de Sustentabilidade Empresarial - ISE). Along with Embraer, 34 other companies form this new portfolio, which will be in effect from January 4 to December 29, 2016.

According to the BM&FBovespa, the companies listed represent 16 sectors and total R$ 960.52 billion in market value, or the equivalent of 44.75% of the total value of companies that trade on the Exchange, based on the close of November 24. The BM&FBOVESPA also informed that 180 companies out of the 200 most liquid stocks in January 2015 were invited to take part in the new portfolio.

The ISE is a pioneer in Latin America, created in 2005 by the BM&FBOVESPA in conjunction with other institutions, for the purpose of becoming a tool for the comparative analysis of the performance of companies in terms of corporate sustainability, based on economic efficiency, environmental balance, social justice, and corporate governance.

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