Friday, 6 March 2015

EMIS Group has been demonstrating its groundbreaking smart health record to a Chinese government delegation in London.

The Group's chief medical officer Dr Shaun O'Hanlon showed the Chinese delegation how EMIS's personal health record (PHR) - integrated with Apple's HealthKit - enables UK citizens to manage their own health in partnership with their GP and other health professionals. More than 6,500 users have logged 1.1 million pieces of information since the PHR was launched five months ago.

The delegation, led by China's IT and digital health lead Zhang Feng, was on a visit to the Royal London Hospital - their final stop in a five-day fact-finding visit to the UK.  Dr O'Hanlon was there at the invitation of HealthcareUK, Waltham Forest and East London CCGs (WELC) and Barts Health NHS Trust.

Following demonstrations from WELC and Barts Health of integrated care between Cerner Millennium and EMIS Web, Dr O'Hanlon showed delegates the revolutionary PHR. It links 39 million GP patient records held in EMIS Web with patients' personal data from health and fitness measurement devices and apps.  During consultations (with patient permission) GPs and other clinicians can view patient-collected data alongside medical data, giving a complete health picture to enable better care.

Dr O'Hanlon said: "Mr Feng was very interested in the PHR and he was impressed by our highly developed primary healthcare IT here in the UK. We were delighted to receive an invitation from him to visit Bejing for further discussions about how UK technology is helping to provide integrated care across health economies."

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