• Gross investment in the distribution grid was Euro 518 million last year.

• The company has doubled the quality of its power supply in the past few years.

The quality of Endesa's electricity supply in Spain remained at record levels during 2014. The accumulated TIEPI (Equivalent Interruption Time Related to the Installed Capacity) was 48 minutes, equivalent to the electricity supply being available 99.99% of the time.

Over the past 12 years, Endesa has reduced its TIEPI by 66 minutes, an improvement of 58%, from 114 minutes in 2003. Total TIEPI, which includes interruptions causes by third parties and force majeure, fell by 67% in the same period.

The improved continuity of supply recorded by Endesa in the last few years is due to advances in the technification and automation of the 314,000+ grid managed by the company, the application of best practices and a selective investment policy.

In 2014, Endesa's gross investment in its distribution network totalled Euro 518 million, in line with the figure invested in 2013.

These initiatives have helped significantly improve quality in all the regions where Endesa carries out its distribution activities, meaning that for 84% of the days last year the daily TIEPI was less than 15 seconds.

In 2014, we would highlight the quality levels reached in the Balearic and Canary Islands, both with a TIEPI of 32 minutes. Further, the quality of supply levels in all provincial capitals that Endesa supplies were much higher than the established regulatory requirement.  Highlights include Gerona, with an accumulated TIEPI of only 10 minutes in 2014, Almería (11 minutes), Palma and Tarragona (12 minutes) and Huesca and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, with 13 minutes, respectively.

Grid improvements

The investments made by Endesa last year increased its medium and high voltage lines by 366 kilometres, putting its total grid at 314,528 kilometres.

11 new substations were also installed, including the stations at Hijar (Teruel), Arcosur (Zaragoza), Falca (Palma de Mallorca), Alqueria (Huelva), Cáñamo (Seville) and Bell-LLoc (Lleida). At year-end 2014, Endesa had 1,240 substations, with total installed capacity of 85,783 MVA.

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