08/04/2015 Renewables create jobs for over 7 million people in the world. Very diverse profiles including specialists in small household installations and large wind and solar plant maintenance, Big Data information technology and innovation technology engineering

More than 7 million jobs: this impressive figure at a time of difficulties and fragile economic recovery is real and increasing, and it impacts a global sector that is constantly growing. In fact, according to the latest report drawn up by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), worldwide renewables employed 7.7 million people in 2014, up 18 percent compared with 6.5 million in 2013. And this number does not include the million and a half who are employed at large hydropower plants.

The green collars of energy, as people employed in the renewable sector have been called, are many not only in terms of their numbers, but also the different kinds of work they are engaged in. They include specialists in the installation of small household solar PV plants and in the maintenance of large wind and solar facilities, information technology developers of Big Data programs for sun and wind forecasting, and engineers who work on the technological innovation of blades, panels and geothermal drilling systems.

EGP's over 4,000 employees account for only a small portion of this army of 'green collars' and actually seem rather few, considering the results that the company has achieved in the 20 countries in which it operates, between the opening of new plants and worksites and new installed capacity. And employees are only part of the indirect employment generated by Enel Green Power, which carries in its DNA open innovationand a deep-rooted attachment to the local area, two elements that produce the constant involvement of companies and contractors at every latitude. In fact, the knowhow it has developed and the advanced specialist skills that EGP displays, both in new projects and in plants launched long ago, make up part of the assets that extend beyond the company and increasingly involve businesses that have grown over the years partly thanks to their worldwide operational partnerships with Enel Green Power.

The spread of green jobs is a testament to the benefits that renewable energy brings to the areas surrounding clean energy plants. The effects on employment of Enel Green Power's geothermal activities in Tuscany are an example of this economic sustainability. In fact, the 35 facilities that EGP operates in the three provinces of Pisa, Grosseto and Siena are the basis for the development of a full-fledged local business chain, which has recently led to a memorandum of understanding being signed between the municipalities of the traditional geothermal region and EGP for the promotion of initiatives aimed at maximising the socio-economic repercussions of EGP's business and bolstering local companies.

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