Produit & Technologie   /   17/09/2014

After Peugeot's 208 HYbrid Air, it is Renault's turn to unveil its low-consumption demonstrator, Eolab, also equipped by Faurecia.

Eolab can run for 100 km on 1 liter of fuel: that is a 22g of CO2 emissions level per kilometer. During the concept car design process, in line with French government's initiative to produce a low-consumption car, Renault turned to the Group and its engineers for their expertise in reducing the weight of the components it supplies: the front seats, floors and exhaust system.

  • Light, thin front seats with an innovative design:

The weight of the seat frame has been reduced by using new materials (composites, non-ferrous alloys and aluminum) whilst its shape has been designed to create more space for the rear passenger's knees, shins and feet. "Cover Carving" technology has also reduced the weight of the back of the front seat by 40%. These innovations have shaved 11 kg off the weight of the vehicle.

  • A lighter floor than a traditional steel floor:

The composite materials used for the front and rear structural floor have also helped to reduce weight. In total, the composite floor is 16.5 kg lighter than a traditional steel floor (with a 33% decrease in mass).

  • A lighter exhaust system that guarantees high levels of pollution control.

This has been achieved through a combination of reworking the structure of the system and using composite materials, whilst reducing the thickness of steel components. As a result, the new Renault's exhaust system is 1.5 m shorter and 2.3 kg lighter than a traditional one.

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