
Press Release

Friday, 21 March 2014

Indofood Reported Double-Digit Top Line Growth

The attached press release was released today in Jakarta by PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk

("Indofood"), in which the First Pacific Group holds an economic interest of 50.1%.

PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk (IDX:INDF) is a leading Total Food Solutions company with operations in all stages of food manufacturing from the production of raw materials and their processing through to consumer products and distribution to wholesalers and retailers. It is based and listed in Jakarta; its Consumer Branded Products subsidiary PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk ("ICBP") and agribusiness subsidiaries PT Salim Ivomas Pratama Tbk ("SIMP") and PT PP London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk ("Lonsum") are also listed in Jakarta. Two agribusiness subsidiaries, Indofood Agri Resources Ltd. ("IndoAgri") and China Minzhong Food Corporation Limited ("CMFC"), are listed in Singapore, and an agribusiness associate Roxas Holdings Inc. is listed in the Philippines. Through its five complementary strategic business groups, Indofood manufactures and distributes a wide range of food products: Consumer Branded Products ("CBP") (noodles, dairy, snack foods, food seasonings, nutrition and special foods and beverages), Bogasari (flour and pasta), Agribusiness (oil palm, rubber, sugar cane, cocoa and tea plantations, fresh and processed vegetables, cooking oils, margarine and shortening) ,Distribution and China Minzhong Group.

Indofood is one of the world's largest wheat flour instant noodle manufacturers by volume, one of the largest plantation companies by area and the largest flour miller in Indonesia. Indofood also has an extensive distribution network.

Further information on Indofood can be found at

* * *

For further information, please contact:

John Ryan Tel: (852) 2842 4355

Executive Vice President Mobile: (852) 6336 1411

Group Corporate Communications

Sara Cheung Tel: (852) 2842 4336

Vice President

Group Corporate Communications


PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release


Consolidated net sales grew 15.0% to Rp57.73 trillion

lncome for the year attributable to equity holders of the parent entity declined 23.2% to Rp2.50 trillion

Earnings per share ("EPS") was Rp285

Jakarta, 21 March 2014 - PT lndofood Sukses Makmur Tbk ("lndofood" or the "Company") wishes to announce its financial results for the year ended 31 Oecember 2013. lndofood recorded consolidated net sales of Rp57.73 trillion, an increase of 15.0% from Rp50.20 trillion last year. In terms of contribution to consolidated net sales, the Company's 5 (five) Strategie Business Groups ("Group"), namely Consumer Branded Products ("CBP"), Bogasari, Agribusiness and Distribution Group contributed around 42%, 26%, 20% and 8% respectively; Cultivation & Processed Vegetables Group, which was started to be consolidated in September, contributed around 4% to the consolidated net sales.

Total sales value of CBP Group, which mainly consists of Noodles, Dairy, Snack Foods, Food Seasonings, Nutrition & Special Foods and Beverages Division grew 14.0%, mainly driven by higher sales volume across the main divisions of the Group and higher average selling prices. Bogasari Group posted 17.2% increase in total sales value on higher average selling price and volume. Agribusiness Group recorded 4.1% decline in total sales value mostly attributable to lower edible oil sales. Distribution Group registered a total sales value growth of 15.6%, primarily due to higher sales of CBP Group, while Cultivation & Processed Vegetables Group generated Rp2.11 trillion of sales value for the period of September to December.

Gross profit for the period increased 5.4% to Rp14.33 trillion from Rp13.59 trillion in the same period last year and gross margin declined to 24.8% from 27.1%, on lower gross profit achieved by most business groups, due to higher raw materia! cost, salary, wages & employee benefits and utilities, as well as lower average selling price for Agribusiness Group. lncome from operations declined 2.3% to Rp6.72 trillion from Rp6.88 trillion, while operating margin decreased to 11.6% from 13.7% on higher operating expenses, mainly higher salary, wages & employee benefits, freight and handling expenses,

as well as A&P. lncome for the year attributable to equity holders of the parent entity declined 23.2% to /t3


Sud1rman Plaza

lndofood Tower,25'" Floor

Jl. Jend.Sudriman Kav. 76 ·78

Jakana 12910, Indonesia

T. +6221 5795 8822

F. +6221 5793 7373

Rp2.50 trillion from Rp3.27 trillion mainly due to foreign exchange loss; net margin decreased to 4.3%

from 6.5%. Excluding non recurring items and difference in foreign exchange, core profit increased

3.0% to Rp3.37 trillion from Rp3.27 trillion last year.

Anthoni Salim, the President Director and Chief Executive Officer of lndofood, said: "We are pleased that our underlying performance, as reflected in our core profit continue to show growth, despite various challenges. We will exercise caution and continue to be prudent in managing company, while pursuing

growth and sustaining our performance."

About PT lndofood Sukses Makmur Tbk

--- End---

PT lndofood Sukses Makmur Tbk ("lndofood") (IDX: INDF) is a leading Total Food Solutions company with operations in ali stages of food manufacturing from the production of raw materials and their processing through to consumer products on the market.

lndofood operates five complementary Strategie Business Groups ("Group"), namely:

Consumer Branded Products, its business activities are conducted by PT lndofood CBP Sukses

Makmur Tbk ("ICBP"), which was listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange ("IDX") since 7 October

2010. ICBP is one of the leading packaged food producers in Indonesia, with a wide range of packaged food products. ICBP brands are among the strongest brands with the most significant mindshare in Indonesia far consumer food brands.

Bogasari, primarily a producer of wheat flour as well as pasta. lts business operations are supported by shipping and packaging units.

Agribusiness. The Group is led by lndofood Agri Resources Ltd. ("lndoAgri"), listed on the

Singapore Stock Exchange. 8oth of lndoAgri's two operating subsidiaries PT Salim lvomas Pratama Tbk and PT PP London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk are listed on the IDX. The Group's business principal activities range from research and development, seed breeding, oil palm cultivation and milling; as well as the production and marketing of branded cooking oils, margarine and shortening. In addition, the Group is also involved in the cultivation and processing of rubber, sugar cane as well as other crops.

Distribution, which boasts the most extensive distribution network in Indonesia. lt distributes the

majority of lndofood's and its subsidiaries' consumer products as well as third-party products.

Cultivation & Processed Vegetables. The business activities are conducted by China Minzhong

Food Corporation Limited which is listed on the SGX and is an integrated vegetable processing

company in the People's Republic of China. lts main activities range from the cultivation and processing of both fresh and processed vegetables, as well as their sales and marketing.

;11A For further information, please contaet:

([!v) Werianty Setiawan

Director & Corporale Secretary

PT lndofood Sukses Makmur Tbk

Tel : +62 21 5795 8822 ext. 1215

Fax: +62 21 5793 7373

Email: werianty@indofood . co . id




SUOIAMAli!PLAZAI, IIIOOFOOO TOWER,27th Aoor, Jalan Jenderal Sud rmanKav.76-76,Jakarta 12910,INDONESIA

Pnone :( 62 - 21) 57958822 Fax :(62 - 21) 57935960
( Expressed In Mllllons olRuplah,Unless Otherwlse Stated ) ( ExpressedIn Mllllona ot Ruplah,Unleaa Otherwlae Stated) ( Expreaaed InMlll lons oRl uplah,Unlell Otherwlae Stated )
JnJ.y1,2011l Jan..ry1,20111 2012 2011
-3 1,2012 -31 ,2011 0ocomber312,010 December!1,2012 December31,2011 Oocember31,2010 2012 2011 2013 (AJ.-ed) (AJ-!od)


-Oocomber31,2013 -(AJmlllod)-



-Doce-mbor 31'2013 -(As m-toted) --(As-te-d)-



- -(Asmtoted)



---- ---- ----

C""IOCiiV!dlroMWShlrners 57,335336 50,231,316 45,5311, 44

C""pailtoOJI'!Ii30,7302,7 1 !25,693,526 (25,490,519

C3sl1andcash eq!Ì'IaleMs 13,666,194 13,345,881 13,055 188 10,445,849 CURRENT LIABIL!TIES NETSALE5 57,731,998 50,201,548 45788,144 PayiTllrislorproiJ'IIOlS 12,378,470 10,729,716 9,375,390

rmecleposls 3,398,300

SlxlrHermbank toansard averdraf1 4,625586 2,613,840 2,842,973 2,360,484 3 025 3 411880
Trur spayable 4,103 558 3,856,065 2,160,600 1,760,829 ODS1OFGOODS501.0 43,402,144 36,610,248 33 104064 c""11""""-"<lromopeOO>ns 9, ,051 7 ,555
Thirdpa.nies 3,400715 2,288,717 1,684,283 1,619,474 GROSS PROFIT 14,329,854 13,591,300 12,684080 Payrrerl.,res1"1""0J !1,088,505) (916,611) (877,169)
Shcrl-1ennirweslrnelis 692,832 552,726 574,600 461,725 Trade payall!es ReceIS olinterestiloor:'le 513 735 552,050 436,111


Relatedparties 277 135 211,104 242,862 204 480 "':::";:.,)-'"' 1 972,114) (2,246,693) (1,827,359
Accruad expenses 1,513147 1,252,849 1,023,095 1,147,523 Seli'jjanclclsuì>utionexpenses (4,862,078) (4,074,620) (3,616,925) 6,928790 7,419,046 4 976,035
Thrdparlios nel 4,053,300 2,696,937 2,652,704 2,281,010 Shortenm elfl)k>yee benefi s ialòy 770,224 621,265 516,046 543,777 Gem ood admiristra."N-e expenses (3,378,636) (2 763,411) (2,322,654)


339,888 342,798 167,732
Tax"paya!le 305,536 317,874 418,046 466,905
Otherqeraingilcorne 939,421 573,831 479757 CASHFLOWSFROMINVESTIIGACTIVmES Prooeedstmmsaoolfixedasse!Sard

Non-ll'alle eu....malloiliesollorq-lerm debls Otherq eraliBjexperoes (309,578) (356,826) Olherno>MerlasseS 73,212 298,407 50,553

Bankloans 954935 491,524 1,039,225 947,928 Addtionstolixodassetsardplarjal . (4,4501, 22) (2,914,960) Bondspayable 2,336,642 1,962,558 1NCOMEFROMOPERATION$ 6,717,981 6,877,782 6,847,432 Ove$nentoin&c1epos1,s 3 398,300

Re IC!parlies 208,269 219,383 364,881 139,550 Uabili1y 1ot purdlaollxedassets 11,111 8,334 6,259 2,839 =siliooai&Jbsir!ilies,n ol<>l11"'!ored 2,969,902 (200,052) (145, 90)

1-lofies· nel 8,160,539 7,786,166 6,547,161 5,652,736 Flnanr:eleasellal les

5_0 lli_ Filcm:::e iooame 605,996 554,407 437523 _lioota(l:Wardadv...,ltrstocksubsaillioo
Tolal Current l biiiUes 19,471309 12,805,200 12,670,150 9,704,369 Filanceexpenses (2,772,827) (1,082 319) (936,219)assoo.-.s !' 418,760) t35,1601 (81,210)

Share nnet ncome (losses) olassociates 115,808 (32,910)

Prepaidtaxes 203,619 176,537 119,958 76,153 NOH-CURRENT LIA81LITIES har 1:=ilg (146,968) 189,697) (145,488)

Ftetrecmpexpendi1ures 143,896 122,141 148,949 179,578

Long-1erm deb1s- nelolanent ma;mDes INCOME SEFOREllCOIIE TAX EXPENSE 4,666,958 6,316,960 6,347274
Sanklow 13,294,577 3,992,605 3,313,280 4,960,094



Prepaexpensesand Olher 8oods payeandSlr!wkljarahpayab es 1,993,227 4,323,442 2,327,712 4,282,995 lnoomeTax E>pense-Net (1,252,072) (1,530,954) (14, 60,569) HaC8sh UsodIn

lllrlerltassats 355,291 217,929 102,665 127,188 liabi1y lotpurchaseso!ixed assets 36,511 37,780 33,575 9,819 INCOMEFOR'IliE YEAR BEFORE CASHFLOWSFROM ANANCING AcnvmES
(14 4018, 32) (5,0931, 17) (31, 05,675)


50_ Prooeedslromblg- nnbank 9,332 199 1,329,041 1 016,359
TotJI Cmnt Assets 32,464,497 26,235,990 24,608,559 20,015,049
Totallong-1ennrlebiJ 15,324 315 8.353.827 5,674,567 9,252,958 PROFORMA ADJUSTIIENT 3,414,886 4,786,006 4,886,705 Prooeeds!romsltcrt·!ermbdkln 9,131 519 1,022,360 3,423,492

ProForma Adjuslment 1,749 (6,560) 4 968 Prooeedslromarllanceslors1oci<nlro•

Dmerredtaxliablfrties. - net 1,278384 13, 62,434 1,470,720 1,573,087

---- nor> n res1 213,150

Advances 1otocksulonlromnOIH:OiltroDinglnerests 213150 INCOMEFOR'IliE YEAR 3,416,635 4,779 446 4 891673 C corrlrbJtioolroonaJ 117,017 30,517
RRENT ASSETS Duetore atedparties 515,443 342,720 298,606 260,169 Paylll!rtsolsi'XI!Hermbri:toarti (8,598,230) (1,817,860) !2,873,49
Claims1ortaxreluoo 555,241 518,239 480,747 600,992 Liabililies lorem oyeebeneilts 2,729970 2,292,950 1,925,036 1,607,299 Pay1!011SOi cashrl'iir!oods 1 624,360) (1,536,575) 1,167,79
De!ened1ex "se!S -nel 1,249,370 904,782 669,810 494,176 TotalNon-çurrent Uabilities 20,248,351
12,443,988 9,444,572 12,825,056
lilarcialassecs 140,107 (18,619) 113,665

i>=IXll':llrtn>=1I1JI1ietellS as'k

(552,396) (603,103) (345,886)

Estima1edia!:ilities lorasse1S dsmanUni gCOS1S 50923 92,037 75,643 131,543 Othercomprehenstve income 1 014,636) (709,509) (2 528,085)

Plasma rec:eitables - net 632,661 542,643 546,479 600,656 Other long-termpayables lbealzedgails(losses)oo a·taialile-lor-sale

(212,225) (42,7951 (81,4131

lo191emnliYOSimenls 1,573,095 295,565 86,219 24,464 TOTAL LIABL!TIES 39,719,660 25,249,188 22,114,722 22,529,445 Exdlargedillererceson oansOlon (14, 22) (6,365 (9,789

filWidsta:emenls 1,654,486 110,918 12087 Prooe!dslromÌIIIJil'Old l8!


Pia Fairvaluek>s

sarisÙ'IIIromcash tow hedgos b)'as.lls iar) - nelolòsuancecost 3,349,449
Marure[:lanlatiorn-nel 4,742,845 4,933,229 4,510,700 4,000,320 EQUITY Othercomprehenslve income 1,744,612 92,299 125,752 Prooeeds!romòsuar:ce d iq;al11:aids VI· oo! 1,990,616

PayiTllrloiR too:is iV (1,964,000)

mmre m. s 2,847,525 1,9886, 50 1,881,244 1,915,420 Capitai Sl!Xk ·Rp100(hllamoom)par Yalue per share

Au1honzed -30,1100,1100,1100shares

lssued.mluUy pao -8,780,426,500shares 878043 878,043 878,043 878,043


Pay1!0rtsolonanceoaselabiffies ()

NacashPmtrlodbye{llsedkl)flrlancq- 6,790594
762 w
Axedassecs-ne 23,027,913 15,805,224 12,941,630 11,754,863 Addilirmpad-"!!itai 522,249 522,249 522,249 522,249 lncomo fotlhe year 011ributableto: NETEFFECTSOFC!iANGESINEXCHANGE
De'.erred - nel 529,943 433,540 696,802 627,767 Unrealzed gaìnson available-for-sale finaociaJ assets 554051 464,664 487,283 371536 EquUyhcl:lemol11'oparenterwily 2,503,841 3,261,176 3,077,180 RATE$ 0NCASHAHD CASNE(MVAI.fHT$ 980673 190,942
Oiffereool lromchangesin""Uy olSubsidtaries Non-coolroiiiOJ rrterests 912,794 1,518,270 1,814 493 NETINCREASECASH
Goort1111 - net 3,970,420 3,878,674 3,878,674 3,878,674
aJld effectsot transactions with non-oontrollinginterests 6,579,227 6,524,586 6,520,486 5,945,575 TOIJI 3,416,635 4,779,446 4,891,673 ANOCASNEO/IVALEHTS 298,225 208,148 2,676,850
lnl"'![jea.ssats-nel 1,931,957 2,065,195 2,198,433 2,331,671 ElrdlangeclffereOOlsonlriiiSialionolfinar> 1,505,767 74,337 (31,499) (43,586)
Lo191eml prepaymenls 1,280,156 456,732 70,558 29,307 ProlormaCapilal (2,437) (8,997) (4,029) TotJI comprehenslvt noome CASHANO CASH EOIMYALEIITS AT


Re',anl ed eamlrçs

Appneralreserve 85,000 80,000

75,000 70,000
lor the yearattrmutable to : BEGINNNGOFYEAR 13 220 485 13,012,337 10,335,487

Equilyhcl:lemol11'oparenterwily 4,011,240 3,346,600 3,203,899


Unappropriated 1 _1b_8__ ...1-0.!i. _9 1!!08J_j2_ CASHANO CASH EOUIVALEIITS AT
5ub-tolal 21,206,278 19 367 800 16,780,642 Non-coolrolliOJin1erests 1,150,007 1,525.145 1,813527 ENG OFTliEYEAR 13,518710 13,220,465 13,012,337
Ottlernon-currerrtasse!S 2,748,446 1,330,943 1,146,095 1,105,895 Not>n1erests 14 12,933,959 1Ù13:426 8,DBB,167 To!JI 5,161,247 4,871,745 5 017 425
TotJI Non-Ctrrent Assels 45,628,292 33,153,415 29,107,391 27,363,205 cashltldcuhequiYOien1sconsistot:
TOTAL EOOfTY 36,373 129 34,140,237 31,601,228 24,848,809 BASIC PERSHAREATTRIBUTABLETO Ca111eqoivalerns 13,666194 13,345,881 13,055,188

EOUITYHOLDERS OFTHEPAREHTEHTI1Y O.'erd fi (147,484) (125,396)

TOTAL ASSETS 78,092,789
-53-,715-,95-0 -47-,37-8,25-4 TOTALL ABL!T ES ANOEQUITY 78,092,789 59,389,405 53,715 950 47,378,254 (flllamou ) 371 Ne! 13,518,710 13,220,485 13,012,337

Notes : 1.The flnanclal inlormalion above lsdervl ed from1he oonsolida1ecllinancialsta1ements as of Decomber 31,2013 and lo< lhe year1hen andaci,tha1nave been aud1ecl by Publlc Accounting Firm Purwamono,SUherman & SUrja,whlch Inlhelr report clatecl March17,2014 opinecl Jakarta,March 21, 2014 that the above-mentioo conso:Oated financial statementspresentlairty,in alimaterialrespects,theconso:dated financialposition of PTllldofood Sukses Makmur Tbk aOOits subs diaries as of December 31,2013,and their coosoidated financial performance and

casll fklws or tne year lf1enendecl, naccorclance with ndonesian FinancialAccounting Standards.

2.Theconsoildatedstatement of financial position as of December 31,2012,2011andJanuary 1,2011/December 31, 2010 were restaled due to business combnation invoMng entitiesunder common oontrot Certain information such as the consolidatedstatement olctlanges The Boerd of Dlrec1ors in equity and notes to theconsolidated fni anc al statements are not inc uded in lhe inlormation presentedabove.

3.Tneloreign exchangeratesuseclto1ransfa1e lf1e1oreign amency monelary assetsand liabllilles toRupiah currency as o1December 31,2013,2012,2011 and January 1,2011 Oeoember 31,2010 were Ap12,189,Ap9,670, Rp9,0BB and Rp6,991 respectively to US$ 1.

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