Grupo Fleury is included on ISE 2014 Grupo Fleury (Fleury S.A.| BM&FBovespa: FLRY3, Bloomberg: FLRY3 BZ; Thomson: FLRY3-BR), announces that was selected to join ISE (BM&FBOVESPA's Corporate Sustainability Index), in the context of maintaining long-term practices with its stakeholders.

The new ISE portfolio, which will be valid from 01/06/2014 to 01/02/2015, gathers 51 stocks of 40 companies. They represent 18 sectors and make up just over R$ 1.14 trillion in market value, equivalent to 47.2% of the total value of companies traded on the BM&FBOVESPA (on 11/26/2013).
ISE reflects the return of a portfolio composed by stocks of the best companies according to the performance on the following dimensions: general aspects, environment, corporate governance, economic-financial, social responsibility and climate change. ISE is a reference for socially responsible investment (SRI), acting as a driver of good practices among Brazilian Companies.
The inclusion of Grupo Fleury on the ISE portfolio is the result of a business model that incorporates the concept of sustainability as a basis for decision-making process and relationship with its stakeholders, balancing longevity of the business while maximize return to shareholders.
Click hereto access the new ISE Portfolio.
São Paulo, November 28th, 2013

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