604 page 112 15 July 2001

Form 604

Corpo.ations Act 2001
Sactlon 671B

Notice of change of interests of substantial holder

To: Compeny Name/Scheme Fllndsrs Minos Llmlled

ACN/ARSN 091118 044

1_ Detllls of substlntialholdor (1)


ACN/ARSN (lf applieable)
OCJ lnveslmen!IAustralla) Pty Lld

123 064 862

Thsre wos e cllanga in the interesll of the
substantlal holder on --:,18;---:,.------;0;;6----';-------c15;­

The prevlous notlçl;) ws glven to the company an ---=-21 ,-_..;.05'-----',------'1"-5_

The pes deled

,_21:: ,::05::........;.,:1::_5_

2. Prevlous hd I:H'é!:Ant votlng powcr

Tho tatal number ofvoles anached to aU the vollng shares In tho r.ompany or votlnglnterests In the schome lhat lhe Sl,lbswntlal holder or an associate (2) h in when last requlrcd, and whér'II'IOw (equlred, to glve a substantlal holding notlcB to the company of schema. are as follows:


Prevlous nollce Present notlce Person's vote

l Vollnq oower (5) Person's votes l Votino oower 151

Fully Paid Ordinarv Shares 326,180.588

l 11.81%


r 1287%

3. Changes In relevant lnterests Particulars of each change In, or change in the nature of. a releva.nt lnterest of the substantial holdar or ::n associate In votlnsecuritles of tha company orscheme, slnce the suhstantlal holdarwas last roqulred lo give a substantial holding notlce to the company or scheme as fo!lows:

Dale of cnange

F'erson whoso

relevant ìnterest changed

Natu"' of change (6)

Consideratlo glven In relat lo change (7

n lon



Class and number of secur!Uos affecled

29,508, 18 Fully Paid

Ordinary Sharos

Person's vores




OCJ lnvestmont (AuSI.alia) Pty Ld

Shares acqulrlld In

tranches on-market


n lon



Class and number of secur!Uos affecled

29,508, 18 Fully Paid

Ordinary Sharos

Person's vores



4. Present relavant interest Particulam of each I'Gievant lntgrest of the substantlal holder in votlng sea. ritlos atter the cnange are as f ; llows:

Holder of relevanl


Regislered holder of securltles

Person entltled tobe

registered as holder


Nature o I'E!Ievant lnterest



of Shares

Class and numbf!r of securities

355,6SM06 Fully Pald

Ordinary ShanlS

Parson's votes


OCJ lnveslment

(Aust.alia) Pty Ud

OCJ lnvestment

(Australia) Pty Ltd

OCJ lnveslment

(Aus!Jolia) Pty Ltd




of Shares

Class and numbf!r of securities

355,6SM06 Fully Pald

Ordinary ShanlS

Parson's votes


604 page 212 15 July 2001

6. Change1ì in ssor:i tion

The per.mns who h ve become assoclales (2) of, ceased to be associatas of, or hir1 relatlon to voling intarests In the company or scheme are as follows;

l Nome and ACNIARSN Iiiaoollcablo l Naturo of llSsoclatlon l

l N/A l N/A l

1. Addrossos

The addresses of persons named In thls form are as follows:

l Name l Address l

l OCJ lnveslmenttAustralla Ptv Ltd

l 85 Mary Avenue Wheelero HIli VIC 3150l


pnnt name AmY JlanQ

,J r-A

Company Secrelary

dale 18 06 15

sign here 0:fV ( .


(1) lf there aro a numbero!subslanllal holders wi!h sìmilar or related relevant lssuos (eg. A corporation and its reiB!Ied çorwratlons, or ha manager of an equity lnJSt), tho namos could bo lncluded In an annexure lo the fonn, lf the relev ntlnterasts of a gmup of pernons are essentlally :ilrnilar, they may bo roferred lo lhroughol.lt the forrt'l il!S spe:cl lly named group if the membornhlp oleach 9roup, wlth lhe names and addrossos of members ls clearly seiaut In paragraph 6 of the form.
(2) See the definltlon ol"associalo" In Soellon 9 ol!ho Corporallons Act 2001.
(31 See the dofinlllon ol"relovanllnlorcsr In secllons 608 and 5718(7) ofthe Corporailons Acl2001.
{4) The votlng sh company constitute Qne ;!a :l un!ess divideO lnto separato classos.
(5) Tho person's voles dlvided by the tol31 votes In the body corporale orscheme mulllplled by 100. (6) Include details o!:
(a) any relevanlagreement or other circumstaneos by whlch the relevantlntere51 was acqulred. Ilsubsecllon 6718(4) applles, a copy o!any documentsehlng out
the terms or any relevant agreement, and a statement by tho pomon glvlng full and aGGurate detalls of any contraci, schema or arrangement. mvst .; ccompany this form, together with a wrltton statoment certifying this contract, schema or arrangement: and

(b) any quallllcallon of the power of a persan lo oxorc1se, contro! the exercise of, the votlng power3 or disposal of the securltlesto whlch !ho rolcvanllnlereslrelates (indleatlng cloarly lhe particulor securities lo whlch lhe qualification appllos).

Soe lhe def,nition o!·ralevant agreement" In section 9 olthe Corporatlons Act2001.
(7) Detalls of the cons!deratlon must Includo any andali benefits, money and oth8r. that any person !rom whom a relevant interos! was acqulred has, or may, bocoma entltlod to receive in relation to that aCQulsiUon. Details musibe lnr;luded even lf the benefit ls condlllonal on the happel'llng or no( of a contlngency. Details must be included olany benefit paid on beh"lt gf the substantlal holdor or lls associate il'l relatlon to !ha acqulsitions, even if they ijfe no paid Qirectly ta tho per.5on from whom the fE!Ievant interes( was acqulrcd.
(8) l!tho subsl3nllal holder in uneblelo delemlle the ;dentity olthe person (eg. l!tne ratovantlnleraslanses beCòusa o!an option) wrlte "unknown". (9) Glve detallo. Iloppropnote, o!the present assoclallon and any changeln thalassociation slnco lhe las!substantial holding nollce.

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