2014-09-10 16:36:20

ENERGA (Resolution No. 1016/2014)

Resolution No. 1016/2014
of the Warsaw Stock Exchange Management Board
dated 8 September 2014

concerning amendment of Resolution No. 389/2014 of the Exchange Management Board
dated 31 March 2014 concerning the minimum block trade value
for financial instruments listed on the regulated market

Pursuant to § 155.7 of the WSE Rules, the Exchange Management Board resolves as follows:

§ 1

In the Appendix to Resolution No. 389/2014 of the Exchange Management Board dated 31 March 2014 concerning the minimum block trade value for financial instruments listed on the regulated market the column no. 123 shall read as follows:

123. ENERGA ENG PLENERG00022 250 000

§ 2

This Resolution shall enter into force on 9 September 2014. 

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