2014-11-28 14:35:00

KBC ALOKACJI SEKTOROWYCH FIZ (Resolution No. 1336/2014)

Resolution No. 1336/2014
of the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange
dated 27 November 2014

concerning the introduction to exchange trading in the WSE Main List of
series A investment certificates issued by

§ 1

Pursuant to § 38.1 and § 38.3 of the WSE Rules and § 2.1 of Division IV of the Detailed Exchange Trading Rules in UTP system, the WSE Management Board resolves to:

1) to introduce as of 4 December 2014 by way of an ordinary procedure to exchange trading in the main market 250,267 series A investment certificates issued by KBC ALOKACJI SEKTOROWYCH FUNDUSZ INWESTYCYJNY ZAMKNIĘTY, coded as "PLKBCAS00011" by the National Depository for Securities,

2) to list the investment certificates, mentioned in point 1) above, in the continuous trading system under the abbreviated name "KBCASFIZ".

§ 2

This Resolution shall take effect on the date of adoption.

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