2015-08-24 13:22:36

KRKA (Communiqué)

of the Warsaw Stock Exchange Management Board
of 21 August 2015
(WSE Main Market)

The Warsaw Stock Exchange Management Board, herby informs market participants that in accordance with Par. 131a of Division 4 of the Detailed Exchange Trading Rules in UTP System, and in connection with current reports no 35/2015 and 36/2015 disclosed by KRKA, Tovarna Zdravil D.D. on 21 August 2015, the WSE will not perform activities set forth in Par. 129 and 130 of Division 4 of the Detailed Exchange Trading Rules in UTP System.

In this regard, the WSE will not calculate the parameters of WIG and WIG-CEE indices in which KRKA, Tovarna Zdravil D.D. is a participant.

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