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Reference is made to the results announcement of Global Bio-chem Technology Group Company Limited (the "Company") dated 31 March 2015 for the year ended 31 December 2014 ("Results Announcement"). Capitalized terms used in this announcement shall have the same meanings as that defined in the Results Announcement.
The board of directors of the Company would like to clarify that there were clerical errors in the English and Chinese version under the note headed "16. Related Party Transactions - (i) Transaction with related parties" on page 27 of the Results Announcement. The row in relation to "Sale of equipment to an associate" should be deleted in its entiretyand the figure "296,778" appeared in the row in relation to "Sale of electricity and water to an associate" in year 2014 should be " 297" instead.
Accordingly, note 16(i) on pages 27 and 28 of the Results Announcement - "Related Party
Transactions - (i) Transaction with related parties" should read as follows:

"16. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS (i) Transactions with related parties

During the year, the following related party transactions were noted:






Sale of electricity and water to an associate

Purchase of corn refinery products from a former associate







Purchase of equipment from a related party




* for identification purpose only

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(a) The transactions with Changchun Dacheng Hexin Technology Development Co., Ltd. ("Dacheng

Hexin"), an associate of the Group, were made at prices mutually agreed between the parties.

(b) The transactions with Harbin Dacheng Bio Technology Co., Ltd. ("Harbin Dacheng"), a former associate of the Group, were made at prices mutually agreed between the parties.

(c) The company and the Group have one director in common, thus, this company is deemed as a related party to the Group."

Save as disclosed above and the clarification announcement dated 2 April 2015, all other information in the Results Announcement remains unchanged.
By order of the Board

Global Bio-chem Technology Group Company Limited Liu Xiaoming


Hong Kong, 9 April 2015

As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises five executive Directors, namely Mr. Liu Xiaoming, Ms. Xu Ziyi, Mr. Li Weigang, Mr. Wang Yongan and Mr. Ji Jianping; and two independent non-executive directors, namely Mr. Chan Chi Wai, Benny and Mr. Ng Kwok Pong.

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