Microsoft Word - notification sub.18062015 GLOBAL LOGISTIC PROPERTIES LIMITED

(Registration No. 200715832Z) (Incorporated in Singapore on August 28, 2007)


Global Logistic Properties Limited (the "Company") wishes to announce the incorporation of the following subsidiaries of the Company:-
1. CLH 27 (HK) Limited, an indirect subsidiary of the Company, has incorporated a wholly-owned subsidiary known as Shaoxing Puxin Industrial Development Co., Ltd. ("Shaoxing Puxin"). Information relating to Shaoxing Puxin is as follows:
Name of company : Shaoxing Puxin Industrial Development Co., Ltd. Country of Incorporation : China
Registered Capital : USD10,000,000
Principal activities : Provision of distribution facilities and services
2. CLH 36 (HK) Limited, an indirect subsidiary of the Company, has incorporated a wholly-owned subsidiary known as GLP Zhuozhou Logistics Facilities Co., Ltd. ("GLP Zhuozhou"). Information relating to GLP Zhuozhou is as follows:
Name of company : GLP Zhuozhou Logistics Facilities Co., Ltd. Country of Incorporation : China
Registered Capital : USD17,900,000
Principal activities : Provision of distribution facilities and services
By Order of the Board of


Fang Xie, Heather
Chief Financial Officer
18 June 2015

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