October 22, 2015

Heijmans and Aventicum Capital Management have signed a declaration of intent for the development and renovation of 252 apartments. The plan is part of the Kanaleneiland district area development in Utrecht.

The agreement between Heijmans and international asset manager Aventicum Capital Management includes the thorough renovation of 252 apartments in the current ‘Krachtwijk’ (urban regeneration district) for the non-subsidized rental to young starters on the housing market. The agreement is one of the first in which a private investor invests largely in outdated subsidized housing. Project realisation is scheduled to start prior to April 2016 and completion is scheduled for the end of 2017.

Heijmans works already for more than a decennium on the transformation of Kanaleneiland.

Since 2002 Heijmans has been working on structural improvements to the Kanaleneiland district together with the Municipality of Utrecht, Portaal and Mitros: attracting new groups of residents, diversity of buildings, new public landscaping and a focus on culture. The ‘Utrechtse Monitor’ and the ‘Krachtwijken Monitor’ show that the spatial interventions have already improved the district’s quality of life and safety during the district’s development. This declaration of intent is consistent with the strategy initiated by Heijmans to focus on inner city transformation and renovation, and marks the next step in the development of the Kanaleneiland district.

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